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New Twilight TV series is in the works

New Twilight TV series is in the works

Chances of Robert Pattinson showing up?

Calling all Twilight stans! It's time to come out of hiding!

The day you never thought would arrive is here - and no, it's not another movie.

But a Twilight TV series is officially in the works at Lionsgate Television!

That's right, you can take your Team Edward or Team Jacob merch out of storage and watch them fight over Bella all over again.

Twilight is back, baby.
Summit Entertainment

Just when you thought you'd seen the last of Stephenie Meyer, she appears to have made a deal with Lionsgate Television for a TV adaption of her hit book series.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the production company are still in the early development stages of the series and don't have a writer or network/streaming service as of yet.

It's also understood that Meyer herself is likely to be involved in the TV adaption.

Meanwhile, Wyck Godrey, who produced the original Twilight Saga films, and Erik Feig, who is responsible for Summit Entertainment originally buying the rights to the book series, are reportedly attached to executive produce.

However, Lionsgate Television's reps declined to comment when asked by the Hollywood Reporter.

For now, of course, it's too soon to say who might star in the series, but the chances of Robert Pattinson getting roped in are probably pretty slim.

But, who knows, maybe some other former cast members will show up!
Summit Entertainment

It's no secret that Lionsgate has been interested in doing more with Twilight after the films came to an end.

Back in 2017, when the fifth and final film Breaking Dawn: Part 2 was released to the world, Lionsgate's CEO Jon Feltheimer hinted that there were 'more stories to be told', per Variety.

And it's no wonder, since the film series earned a total revenue of over three billion dollars.

Feltheimer said during a quarterly earnings call at the time: "There are a lot more stories to be told, and we’re ready to tell them when our creators are ready to tell those stories."

Well, don't say he didn't warn you!

The timing of this news is interesting, since it's just been a few days since Warner Bros Discovery announced that they were in the early development stages of a Harry Potter TV adaption.

The news was relatively controversial, since author J.K Rowling's name was attached to the project as executive producer.

A new Harry Potter series is on the way.

Warner Bros Discovery said it expected the series to be a decade-long endeavour, while HBO and Max content CEO Casey Bloys celebrated the opportunity to make the show.

While some fans were excited about the potential for a whole new Harry Potter world, others urged HBO to 'do something new, don't reboot', promising they wouldn't be watching because the films 'cannot be beaten'.

Will these iconic film sagas make for good TV adaptions? We'll just have to wait and see.

But until then, try not to regress back to your awkward teenage phase just yet.

Featured Image Credit: Summit Entertainment

Topics: TV And Film