The latest news, health, travel and lifestyle stories from around the world, all in one place.
Say what you like about Gen Z, but their imaginations definitely seem to come up with a never ending list of dating trends
The topic of Mormon underwear has finally been explained
Victor Harry Feguer was executed at 28-years-old, and his death row meal request has gone down in history
Members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints are forced to abide by strict rules on sex
The Church of Latter-Day Saints are pretty restrictive when it comes to sexual allowances
'Dead Butt Syndrome' - also known as 'gluteus medius tendinosis' - can be a painful condition, but thankfully, you can prevent it
The grounds for divorce can be very different when it comes to heterosexual and same-sex couples
A former member of the Mormon church lifted the lid on the popular bedroom habit
Sex therapist Dr Melissa Cook revealed exactly what foods can 'alter the sweetness of vaginal secretions'
Chin and jawline acne isn't something that you necessarily grow out of upon reaching adulthood
Tanghulu - as it's known in China - has seen countless kids treated in A&E in recent months, as the TikTok trend continues to grip the web
Members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints aren't permitted to engage in any sexual activity before or outside of marriage
You've almost definitely engaged in bed rotting yourself at some point
A study has explored the sex life of Gen Z and what they like most in the bedroom
Familial solicitor Sarah Corcoran claims men can avoid this toxic trait with a little bit of practice
The Church of Latter-Day Saints do not allow pre-marital or extra-marital sex
The rare lunar event is set to reach its maximum at 3:44 am
It's a million times worse than getting 'ghosted'
It's not a dating phase you'll want to partake in
The latest dating trend could also really benefit your personal growth alongside your love life
The teacher explained exactly why the phrases were so 'forbidden'
Fans noticed a change in his voice and urged him to see a doctor
Sex therapist, Dr Melissa Cook, has weighed in on the bedroom trend people swear by
The OceanGate submersible suffered a 'catastrophic implosion' that killed every member on board