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Woman had to have vibrator surgically removed after it got stuck up her bum

Woman had to have vibrator surgically removed after it got stuck up her bum

A student nurse had to have surgery after a sex toy became lodged in her bum

A woman has spoken of her horror after she had to have a sex toy surgically removed from her bum.

Caitlin Savage, a student nurse, shared the incident on TikTok, explaining that the vibrator got lodged so far up her anus that she needed medical intervention.

She captioned the video: "Worst day of my entire life. Lesson of the day: don't put things where they shouldn't go."

The video was set to Jay-Z's hit '99 Problems' and began with a selfie from Caitlin before quickly cutting to an x-ray of the vibrator inside her.

She rhymed the lyrics 'I got 99 problems, but a b*tch ain't one,' with the caption: "I got vibrator stuck up my bum."

Caitlin's TikTok did not go unnoticed, and it has been viewed over two million times at the time of writing.

Caitlin said she was mortified.
TiKTok / @caitlinnsavage

People rushed to the comments section to ask how the incident even happened, and Caitlin explained.

She said: "Basically, what happened was, me and my boyfriend were [having] sex - lush and we decided to put something up my bum.

"Obviously, the vibrator got stuck. I couldn't get it out like I tried everything, I sat on the toilet, I used poppers, I'd use lube and literally nothing was coming out.

"I had to go to the hospital. It was mortifying. I've never been more embarrassed in my entire life. I couldn't talk to the doctors about it."

Caitlin after her operation.
TikTok / @caitlinnsavage

Caitlin went on to explain that she had to have an operation to remove the vibrator and staff at the hospital asked if she wanted it back afterward.

"Like I'm a student nurse at the minute and now when I think about it it's not even that bad what I was saying, but I was just so mortified," she added.

"I had to get put to sleep and have this vibrator removed, like for an operation, because it was so far up. I wouldn't have been able to push it out myself.

"I was stuck in hospital for ages and then they asked if I'd wanted it back. They gave me it in a black bag and I was like no, thank you."

Many TikTok users cracked jokes in response to the now-viral video.

One shared: "If it makes you feel better my mum works in X-ray she's seen a boy with a round door knob stuck up there [sic]."

"Yeah I just tripped and fell…", joked a second, while a third added: "why does it look like a vape [sic]."

Caitlin also clarified that the sex toy was not vibrating while it was stuck and was actually switched off the entire time.

Featured Image Credit: TiKTok / @caitlinnsavage

Topics: Sex and Relationships