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People are only just realising that sinks have a secret function

People are only just realising that sinks have a secret function

Have you ever wondered what that little circle is for on your sink?

Have you ever noticed that little circle on your kitchen sink?

You know, the one that's located just to the side of the basin. Well, it's actually got a purpose.

Not gonna' lie, before we stumbled upon a very informative TikTok, we actually had no idea.

Have you ever noticed that little circle on your kitchen sink? (Getty Stock Image)
Have you ever noticed that little circle on your kitchen sink? (Getty Stock Image)

The video streaming platform is filled with weird and wonderful hacks about everyday things in our home we had no idea could be so useful.

Whether it's the right way to cut potatoes, how to dry clothes without a tumble dryer or the best way to clean greasy Tupperware without getting your hands wet, there really is something for everyone.

Not only does TikTok have the best hacks but it draws our attention to things in the home we had no clue what they were used for.

Case and point, that random hole in your kitchen sink.

In the video, TikToker Kyran explained that the hole actually has another use - and it's really handy.

"If you go under your sink, you'll see it's got a little clip you can untie. Make sure you untie this and take out the metal circle like that so it leaves a hole there," they said.

"I bet you're wondering, 'Why's that hole there, Kyran? Why is it there?' I'm about to show you right now.

"So you get a bottle and you want to fill it up with your fairy liquid.

"Now what you want to do is put this here, screw it in tight to keep it in place and then you just want to grab your bottle of fairy liquid, pop it at the bottom and start screwing it in and now look how easy it is to get soap on your sponge."

Our minds are blown.

The hole actually has another use. (Getty Stock Image)
The hole actually has another use. (Getty Stock Image)

Some people also revealed an alternative use for the feature, explaining it can be used for fitting the taps on the other side.

One person wrote on the video: "It’s a tap hole so, you can have the drainer left or right. They come with cover plate."

While another said: "If you fit the sink the other way round you will fit your taps there. Good hack though."

And a third added: "It’s simply a tap hole that makes the sink reversible."

Either way, it's a pretty neat little trick, don't you think?

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@kyran

Topics: Cleaning, Home, TikTok