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James Jordan hits back at fans after he's slammed over 'insensitive' New Year's post

James Jordan hits back at fans after he's slammed over 'insensitive' New Year's post

He ruffled a few feathers with his New Year post on Instagram

Strictly Come Dancing’s James Jordan has hit back at fans after being slammed for what many thought was a ‘stupid’ and insensitive New Year’s post.

At this time of year, a lot of people like to reflect on things – whether it’s looking back at the successes of the past 12 months or setting some goals for 2024.

Our feeds are currently filled with positive mantras, highlights reels and lengthy rants about Instagram vs reality.

Former Strictly pro James Jordan - who is married to fellow star Ola Jordan - decided to mark the new year with a post of his own, posting a graphic that seemed to ruffle more than a few feathers.

James Jordan with wife Ola and daughter Ella.

In an edited caption, Jordan said: “Some of these comments are hilarious, I guess [you’re] not allowed a sense of humour these days.”

This is because the image in question was a humble ‘brag’ about money – well, that’s how it seemed to some, at least.

“Does make me giggle how simple some people are,” he added in a response to one of the comments.

The offending post read: “Not trying to brag, but I have enough money to not work for the rest of the year!”

Many people slammed his new year message, with one commenting: “James that's not nice to brag about how much money u have got when there [are families] on the breadline sorry.”

The post ruffled a few feathers online.

Someone else said: “What a stupid statement why do u want people to know this.”

Another fumed: “Omg. Why post that! Surely you are joking, NHS workers people struggling food banks, please tell me you are joking.”

A fourth also wrote: “So pleased for you. We are all skint and you’re posting that."

While some people were left furious by the post, others pointed out that it wasn’t quite as it seemed – noting when he’d shared it.

Defending Jordan, one explained: “Sweet Jesus…..calm down people!! it was just before midnight!!! End of year an all that! Get a Soh of plz!”

Someone else agreed: “He clearly wrote this when the year 2023 was almost over. Come on people have a little giggle.”

A third said: “Hilarious how many people didn't get this.”

Another wrote: “Unlike most other people who have posted a comment. I get it, and happy to say ‘so am I’.

"As for next year, I reckon I could well be regrouping!”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@jamesjordan1978

Topics: Celebrity, Strictly Come Dancing

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