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Fans accuse Mariah Carey of lip-syncing during Thanksgiving parade

Fans accuse Mariah Carey of lip-syncing during Thanksgiving parade

The singer took part in the annual Thanksgiving parade

Fans have accused Mariah Carey of miming during her performance at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade yesterday.

Our friends across the pond celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday and, as is tradition, a procession of giant inflatables paraded their way through the streets of New York City while hoards of people turned out to watch on and even more watched from home. You can see Mariah’s performance here:

And to get the festivities off to a flying start Macy’s enlisted the help of Mariah, but not everyone was impressed.

Mariah donned a typical OTT red dress for the occasion and belted out her festive hit All I Want For Christmas Is You, but on social media, some users accused the singer of ‘lip-syncing’ her way through the set.

One person tweeted: “Mariah Carey just got paid more than I have in my entire career to lip sync under an umbrella while everyone else danced around her and did all the work. Gotta love it.”

Another said: "Mariah Carey really out there delivering the least animated lip-syncing performance of her life."

Some viewers were left unimpressed by the performance.

Someone else wrote: “Respect to Mariah Carey for not even pretending not to lip sync.”

And a fourth added: “So we’re just supposed to pretend like Mariah Carey is actually singing All I Want For Christmas live right now? Terrible lip sync.”

However, others fans were quick to come to her defence with one person posting: “Y’all bi**hing because Mariah Carey can’t lip sync? of course she CANT, all she knows is to sing 100% LIVE raw vocals with the mic ON! Also they quite literally force everyone to lip sync at the Macy’s parade so pls move.”

Another commented: “Loved every second. She was the stunning Christmas princess-statuesque with frenetic dancing all around. Well done. Been watching the parade for decades.”

The unofficial Queen of Christmas.
Album / Alamy Stock Photo

Her performance comes just days after her application to trademark the nickname ‘Queen of Christmas’ was rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Had her application been successful, Mariah would have been able to use the title on merchandise and on her album’s artwork.

But while she - and her enduring hit - may make her the Queen of Christmas in my eyes, the US Patent and Trademark Office disagreed.

The application was reportedly turned down under the grounds that her company did not respond to a different singer’s opposition against the title.

Well, you’ll always be Queen of Christmas to me, Mariah.

Featured Image Credit: NBC

Topics: Music, TV And Film, Christmas