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Sex and the City author settles Mr Big and Aidan debate

Sex and the City author settles Mr Big and Aidan debate

Team Aidan, or Team Big?

It's the question every Sex and the City fan has pondered at some point: Should Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) have ended up with Mr Big (Chris Noth), or was she destined to live the simple life with furniture designer Aidan Shaw (John Corbett)?

Many fans are adamant that Big and Carrie ending up together at the end of the OG series was the right decision after years of on and off, a marriage, an affair, a divorce and several will they-won't they moments.

But others were insistent that Carrie should have stuck with good guy Aidan, who basically worshipped the ground she walked on for years, stripped her floors, caved on his strict smoking rules and had an adorable dog named Pete.

Team Aidan or Team Big?
AJ Pics/Alamy Stock Photo

Now, Sex and the City author Candace Bushnell - who wrote the books on which the show is based - has set the record straight, addressing her opinion on whether she is Team Big or Team Aidan.

“When people ask me if I’m Team Big or Team Aidan, I loudly proclaim my love for Harry Goldenblatt," she explained on Twitter.

And fans are loving the response, with many agreeing that Harry - Charlotte York Goldenblatt's husband - is the real favourite among viewers, too.

Others, however, were quick to remind the author not to forget about loveable Steve Brady - Miranda Hobbes' husband.

Although the pair split in the reboot series And Just Like That, bartender Steve was a firm fave in the original show.

Many fans are Team Aidan.
Maximum Film/Alamy Stock Photo

One person wrote: "Harry has always been my favourite. No contest."

While another commented: "How dare you do Steve Brady like that! We’re team Harry AND team Steve."

And a third said: "This is the only correct answer."

"YES! Team Harry all the way!" Said a fourth.

Of course, some fans were quick to cast their votes on Aidan or Big, and even Smith Jerrod - Samantha's former boyfriend of five years - was mentioned.

The OG series ran for six seasons.
Photo 12/Alamy Stock Photo

The original series ran for six seasons between the years 1998 and 2004 and was followed by two films in 2008 and 2010.

Meanwhile, spinoff And Just Like That aired last year, with a second season expected at some point in 2023.

The question of who Carrie should have ended up with will forever cause a divide among fans, but considering the traumatic events of And Just Like That - where Big dies of a heart attack - and considering Aidan is expected to make a return in the next series, could Team Aidan fans get their wish after all?

Featured Image Credit: WENN Rights Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

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