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Fans left in tears over deleted Harry Potter scene that shows Dudley's true self

Fans left in tears over deleted Harry Potter scene that shows Dudley's true self

Harry Potter fans are flooding to social media after a deleted scene has completely changed their perception of Dudley

Harry Potter fans are flooding to social media after a deleted scene has completely changed their perception of Dudley.

Prepare to see Harry's horrific cousin in a wholly different light:

Throughout the whole of the franchise, I think it's fair to assume no one ever really liked Dudley Dursley (played by Harry Melling).

He may have featured in some pretty iconic scenes, but as the snotty, snivelling, tattle-tale, spoilt brat of a cousin of the franchise's golden boy Harry, Dudley was almost more feared when he came on screen than Voldemort - he may not have been scary, but he was a hell of a lot more irritating.

However, if you're the sort of dedicated fan to have read the books, you'll know that Harry and Dudley's relationship wasn't completely hopeless and did have a future. Had producers kept one particular scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, some viewers' opinions on Dudley may have even changed completely.

Growing up, Harry and Dudley were far from friends.
Warner Bros.

In the scene in question, Harry goes back to visit his aunt and uncle Vernon and Petunia - as well as his dearly beloved cousin Dudley - to say goodbye, his only remaining blood relatives having been forced out of their home as a result of the impending doom of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Harry glances from the window as Vernon ushers his wife and beloved son into the car, Petunia taking a moment to reflect on the history of the house.

Harry warns his aunt she'll be tortured if she stays, to which Petunia reminds her nephew he wasn't the only person who lost someone when his mother died in Godric's Hollow - she lost a sister, too.

It's a brief moment of connection, but nothing compared to the heart-wrenching moment that follows.

Prepare your tissues.

The scene questions whether Dudley is truly as awful as he seems in the franchise.
Warner Bros.

Outside, by the car, Dudley questions his father about why Harry isn't coming with them.

As Harry notes, he's a 'waste of space' to Vernon and doesn't want to join them anyway.

Dudley then approaches Harry to offer a handshake and tells him: "I don't think you're a waste of space."

As Dudley walks back to the car to drive off to safety, Harry responds: "See ya big D."

I told you you'd need the tissues.

Dudley offers his hand to his cousin.
Warner Bros.

Fans have flocked to social media in outrage over why the scene wasn't included in the final cut and to share their reactions to it.

One said: "AHHHHHHH... I am emotional.... I have been listening to Harry potter and Tiktok decided to show me the deleted scene where Dudley told Harry he isn't a waste of space... *instant cry*"

"There’s also a deleted scene of dudley telling harry that he’s not a waste of space. THAT scene made me cry and i’m very much annoyed it didn’t make the final cut," another wrote.

A third commented: "Still not over the deleted scene where Dudley tells Harry that he doesn't think he's a waste of space I just."

Featured Image Credit: Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros / United Archives GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Harry Potter, JK Rowling, TV And Film

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