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People Are Divided Over Man’s Reaction To Surprise Visit From Long-Distance Girlfriend

People Are Divided Over Man’s Reaction To Surprise Visit From Long-Distance Girlfriend

People have thoughts on this...

A woman has shared her experience of surprising her long-distance boyfriend with a spontaneous visit to his new home, and people are seriously divided by his reaction. 

The TikTok user, who goes by the name of @laurynmapusua on the platform, posted a video detailing her long journey of just under 5,000 miles from Sweden to the US to be with her partner, and his reaction would suggest he seems less than enthralled.

Watch the video here:

As is the case with all controversial videos on the site, the comments appeared to show a swift divide between viewers. 

“This was painful to watch,” one viewer commented. 

“When he already made plans now he's trying to figure out how to hide you,” another speculated.

“Seems like he’s seeing another girl,” another onlooker theorized.

Someone else also made this assumption, penning: “Him: ‘Damn, what do I do with the girl on the way coming over....?’

“How is it that I feel so offended? His energy is off...She flew all that way for him to not even get up,” someone else noted.

“I don’t think he knows you,” quipped another.

Meanwhile, others stood up for the woman’s partner, arguing that he was too ‘shocked’ to stand up or greet his girlfriend enthusiastically. 

“He was too stunned to speak,” one person explained.

Someone else added: “He's like what are you doing here?”

“I can't tell if this is a joke to reference couch guy? Or is this fr fr?,” a different user asked. 

“Couch boy: The sequel,” someone else joked.

“New couch guy? Where my body language experts at?”

Elsewhere, different viewers showed support for the poster, with one writing: “You’re WAY too beautiful for that reaction!”

“I’m sorry but you deserve better.”

“My husband says you need to leave him,” another explained.

What do you think of the way that he reacted?

Featured Image Credit: TikTok

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok, News