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Woman shares ‘terrifying and clever’ taxi safety hack for dangerous situations

Woman shares ‘terrifying and clever’ taxi safety hack for dangerous situations

A woman has shared on TikTok a taxi safety hack she uses in case of dangerous situations

A woman has shared a taxi safety hack which has been described as 'terrifying and clever' that can be used in dangerous situations.

The American woman who goes by the name of @brennalina on TikTok revealed the two things she always does whenever she jumps in a taxi.

She does this in case any dangerous situation arises, even if the driver seems like a nice person.

The woman revealed that she drops strands of hair and makes fingerprints in the back seat to use as evidence that she was there.

In the TikTok, she illustrates this by filming herself doing those two things while riding in the back of a taxi.

The woman starts with leaving a strand of her in the taxi.
@brennalina/ TikTok

In the clip, the woman wrote about how she started doing the safety hack after another woman posted on TikTok saying she does it for safety reasons.

She also added 'Ladies amirite #lovebeingawoman' in the caption.

The video has gone viral on TikTok with more than 27 million views and 3.8 million likes on the social media platform.

The clip has sparked a debate amongst women in the comments section, with some sharing their own safety hacks for riding in taxis.

One person said: "I always pretend I’m on the phone with someone as I enter."

A second added: "Don’t drop the hair, place between the seats so it’s not easily cleaned out."

And a third said: "Get in, open the door again always. Act like it didn’t close right. Make sure there’s no child lock on!"

A fourth person had similar views: "I always act like I dropped something so I can reopen the door to make sure the door isn’t on child lock!"

Finally, a fifth person said: "also if you have a sweater or something on w loose threads you can take some threads and put them in the carpeting."

She then touches the window to leave fingerprints.
@brennalina/ TikTok

Meanwhile, others shared some of the terrifying experiences they have gone through using riding services.

"I had a driver lock me in his car until I gave him 5 stars and a nice comment," one person said.


Many women described the safety hack here as a good option when in a taxi, with a lot saying they plan on doing it next time they jump in one.

Featured Image Credit: @brennalina/TikTok

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