An Aussie family has refused to leave their home despite a hefty offer from property developers on the site.
It can take a long time to find your dream home, and sometimes no amount of money can replace somewhere that feels truly like home.
At least, that's what one family thinks after developers tried to buy them out in order to demolish their house for a new estate.

Developers approached the family and offered them a whopping £26 million ($50 million) for their house, which is just 40 mins away from the centre of Sydney. Given that £26m could buy you a magnificent castle in Scotland, a five-bedroom penthouse in Regent's Park, or a Tudor mansion, you would think this might be quite a tempting offer.
However, for the Zammit family, even the prospect of enough money to buy a literal castle wasn't enough to make them give up their home. It is a very lovely home, to be fair.
The house is surrounded by five acres of land, as well as a panoramic view of the Blue Mountains surrounding the property. Developers confirmed there was enough space for 50 houses, which would be divided up into blocks of 3,200-square-foot and each potentially worth around one million dollars.
Local real estate agent Taylor Bredin gave credit to the family for not selling up and moving, despite the offer. He told 7News: "The fact that most people sold out years and years ago, these guys have held on. All credit to them."

Nonetheless, the family have said that the development, which has seen their home surrounded by suburban housing, has radically changed the landscape.
Mum Diane Zammit, 50, told Daily Australia: "It used to be farmland dotted with little red brick homes and cottages. Every home was unique and there was so much space - but not any more. It's just not the same."
The family's neighbours are impressed at their stubbornness and refusal to move.
One neighbour, whose house is directly opposite, said: "I will wave to them when I see them outside and they always wave back, but I don't really speak to them.
"I'm very happy they've refused to sell - it means we have a cul-de-sac which is much safer for our kids - and their big lawn next to us makes it feel like we've got so much space.
"Our neighbours don't get that because the other houses are so close together. We're very grateful! I hope they stay."
Well, it seems like there's no doubt they will!