By now, we're all familiar with the meaning of 'red flags' when it comes to dating.
But what if we asked you about 'pink flags'? Would you know the signs of 'pink flag' behaviour?
As I say, 'red flags' are things that relationship experts have been yapping on about for years now, with these toxic habits being used as means of knowing whether love really is in the air, or whether your 'bae' is taking you for a ride.
What if, however, by focussing so much on 'red flag' behaviour, you're allowing some equally heartbreaking 'pink flags' slip through the cracks?

According to romance expert and dating app founder Jessica Alderson, 'pink flags' are 'minor areas of concern' which can pose problems later on.
"They are indications that the relationship might not be right or that it will take some work," she previously told Tyla. "Pink flags are not to be ignored but they aren't necessarily deal breakers.
"Red flags are serious indicators that you aren't right for each other. Pink flags are smaller issues that need to be monitored and there's a good chance that you can resolve the issues if you are both willing."
And apparently, according to experts working at the popular dating site Bumble, there are actually six pretty common 'pink flags' that often go under the radar to many daters, but could lead to parting ways later down the line.
So, better to take note now than pay the price later down the line, I guess?
1) They've never been in a relationship
You can't blame somebody for never having gotten into a serious romance - after all, 21st century dating is almost impossible to navigate at the best time of times.

That said, however, it can be a concern for many daters, who might worry that their future partner could be unfamiliar with the importance of commitment.
Either way, it's always best to simply ask them why they've not been serious with someone before.
It may well be that their work or family commitments took priority, but they're ready to make that jump for the first time with you.
2) They're friends with their ex
This, for a lot of daters, seems to border on 'red flag' behaviour.
Whilst it's perfectly acceptable to remain friendly with a former partner, excessive texting and evasive behaviour surrounding this communication might point to the fact that your love interest doesn't quite want their ex to be a 'friend' just yet.
3) They don't post you on social media
In today's society, we simply cannot deny that many impressions of people are gained from assessing their social media profile. It's a shame, but it's true.

You can usually tell from someone's Instagram page, for example, what they do for a living, what they do in their spare time, their favourite foods, and, more importantly, whether or not they're in a relationship.
If they're afraid to reference you online in any capacity - whether a snap of you at dinner on their Insta story, or tagging you in the comments of a meme - it might indicate that they're attempting to give the impression that they're single.
4) You don't like their friends
There's an old saying which goes, 'You are the company you keep'.
So, if you find your love interest's friendship group disrespectful, offensive, obnoxious or unkind, though this might not be a reflection on their personality, by being embroiled in their friend's behaviour, they're essentially condoning it.
This might take some serious consideration on your part.
5) Acts of thoughtlessness
The initial stages of a relationship should be about winning one another over, showing interest and indicating that you are about the other person.

If, however, your potential partner seems to neglect you and your needs, this may well reflect how little a priority you are to them.
Do they forget to order you a drink when they go to the bar? Do they leave your bedroom in a mess when they've stayed the night? Pink flags, apparently.
6) They don't want to go out for dates
If your 'future bae' suggests staying in every single time you're due for a date, it may well be that there's something to hide.
Okay, sure, they might just be a homebody. Or a cheapskate. Or they're scared of sunlight.
But they might also be a clue that there's someone else in the picture, or they're not serious about putting effort into your relationship.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Hacks, Life, True Life