First dates are a make or break meet-up, but securing a second date isn't always easy. Now, an expert has come to our rescue to share the six most common mistakes people make during the all-important encounter.
You’ve spent two hours getting ready, said positive affirmations in the mirror, you feel confident, and yet you’re waiting the next day for a message that never pings through. Ouch.
I'm sure we've all been there at some point, but what is it we’re doing wrong?
Well, thanks to professional matchmaker Siobhan Copeland, we have some of the answers, and it turns out many of us are guilty of some of these dating blunders...
Here are the common mistakes people are making, according to the love guru:

So first up is the location. Some people opt for a fancy meal, others can’t bear the thought of eating in front of someone they just met.
But Siobhan said that restaurants and cafés are some of the worst places to meet your potential lover for the first time.
Talking to the Metro, she said: “I find restaurants a little too formal, and coffee shops are often overcrowded.”
Apparently some of the ‘ickiest’ places to have a first date include escape rooms and going on a long walk.
But what does the expert suggest?
She says to pick somewhere that is comfortable, relaxed, and a little quirky so that you have things to talk about.
She suggests a ‘glow-in-the-dark art class’, but as fun as it sounds, good luck trying to find one of those!
How you greet them

Next on the list of important first date tips is how you greet someone.
Contrary to popular opinion, Siobhan advises to avoid physical contact upon meeting your date.
Apparently a smile and ‘Hi, nice to meet you!’ will do just fine.
Conversation no-gos
The expert also enlightened us to a list of things we should steer clear of talking about, explaining: “Exes, anything that also makes you appear that you are of a negative mindset like complaining about your job, complaining about poor treatment from others.

“Definitely avoid politics, having different opinions could end up in complete disaster.”
Body language
According to the expert, the golden answer you're looking for as to whether they want to see you again, all lies within their body language.
She said: “Put it out there that you would like to meet again and gauge their response. If they seem pleased, try to book a second date on the first date.”
Are you eating the wrong food on dates?
The guru suggests avoiding eating on the first encounter, but if you really want to, just make sure you’re picking the right kind of food.
Garlic bread is a favourite, but is it particularly wise when a kiss could be on the cards?
She added: “No one really wants to hear slurping on a first date meal and avoid foods like ribs where you might get food stuck in your teeth.”

The bill dilemma
Apparently, many people are going wrong when it comes to footing the bill.
According to the expert, it's important to ask how your date would like the two of you to handle the bill.
"It doesn’t matter who says it first, but I would always approach with 'how would you like us to handle the bill?',” she explained.
If the other person insists on paying, Siobhan recommends thanking them for being so generous, as opposed to offering to pay next time.
"You don’t need to then say, “Ok, I’ll get the next one.” It’s not about owing, it is about accepting someone wanting to court you effectively."
So, there you have it! How many of Siobhan's dating no-gos have you been guilty of?
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Life