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Mum-of-22 Sue Radford gives update as family go on 18th holiday in 20 months

Mum-of-22 Sue Radford gives update as family go on 18th holiday in 20 months

Sue Radford - the mum of Britain's largest family - has provided an update on her family's 18th holiday in less than two years

Any parent will tell you that taking any number of kids away is no mean feat - from remembering all the clothes required to the mad rush through the airport with the kids not best pleased.

And that can be a problem for parents with just one or two children, but Noel and Sue Radford have to deal with 22 children.

But despite having more kids than any other family in Britain, the couple is said to have taken a staggering 18 holidays in 20 months.

It really is sensational, and one many families can only dream of.

However, with that many kids in their roster - just the thought of a holiday makes me feel tired.

The couple are parents to Chris, 34, Sophie, 29, Chloe, 28, Jack, 26, Daniel, 24, Luke, 23, Millie, 22, Katie, 21, James, 20, Ellie, 18, Aimee, 17, Josh, 16, Max, 14, Tillie, 13, Oscar, 12, Casper, 11, Hallie, eight, Phoebe, seven, Archie, six, Bonnie, five, and Heidie, three.

Sue and Noel have 22 children.

Obviously, not all children attend every single holiday, with some of the Radford's children actually having children of their own.

Nonetheless, each family vacation sees a sizeable contingent heading for a bit of downtime; breaks that have seen the family stay in the UK and head overseas.

The Radfords - who are best known for their reality series 22 Kids and Counting - have visited the likes of Cornwall, the Lake District, Scotland, to even the bright lights of New York in the last two years.

Currently, the Radfords are embarking on the ultimate family trip - a very special one to Florida.

Many fans had been hoping the trip would feature on the next series of 22 Kids and Counting, though that doesn't seem to be the case.

In fact, Sue has confirmed that footage from the Florida holiday would appear on their YouTube page instead.

Another thing many fans have asked is if Sue and Noel will ever welcome their 23rd child into the world.

Fans have asked if Britain's largest family will extend.

Well, according to Sue, 'definitely no', as she explained in a YouTube video.

She added: "Now that Heidi’s three and she’s out of nappies, and we’re probably going to be getting rid of the pram soon, it’s just so much easier than having a newborn.

"When we were on holiday in April I was sitting on the sun lounger and just watching the kids playing in the pool and I just thought, if we had a baby you wouldn’t be able to do that.

"I just feel like for us, we’ve had our babies, children now and we’re just going to sit back, watch them grow older, and be grandparents and that."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@theradfordfamily

Topics: Celebrity, Parenting, Radford Family, TV And Film, Sue Radford

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