Now, I'm sure parents all have their slight differences when it comes to raising their children, but one family has seriously shocked people after revealing they allow their toddler to drink six cans of cola a day.
While many of us like to indulge in a soft drink can from time to time, it's not typically something you'd want to give to your 19-month old child - let alone having six of them a day.
Well, that's been exactly the case for Cardiff mum and dad, Sam and Simon, who opened up about having 'no control' over their son Cuba's fast-food diet.

"He likes McDonald’s, he likes KFC, he likes an Indian," Sam explained in the Real Families documentary.
Cuba's dad, Simon, also noted: "He likes his pizzas, also his chips with plenty of salt."
It's not just Cuba, however, as the whole family sits down for a takeaway every single night of the week with Simon saying: "It’s hard to say no to him, he’s got a lovely big cute smile on him."
He went on to reveal that little Cuba finds himself in the food cupboard 'at least 30 times' a day, adding: "He helps himself, I’ve got no control over what he eats."

And it's not just the Maccies and fried chicken, as Cuba seems to wash all the fast-food down with up to six cans of cola a day.
Elsewhere in the doc, it was revealed that the young toddler was consuming up to a staggering 3,200 calories a day, which is shockingly 700 more than what is deemed healthy for a fully-grown man.
Fortunately, however, the family was later visited by Jane, a local health professional who was enlisted to help educate the parents and change their eating habits.
She ordered Cuba to be on 'three meals a day' and also removed the sweetie cupboard.

Jane said she 'had never come across a family that lived on takeaway food and did no cooking whatsoever', and instructed the family to limit themselves to just one takeaway a week as 'motivation'.
Luckily, Cuba ended up enjoying the home-cooked dinners, which went on to significantly improve his sleep as well as help with his anaemia.
"What we were giving him before with fried chicken and takeaways was way too much for him, we didn’t think it was affecting him," Simon said.
"But when you see if for yourself, you have to change that."
Topics: Food and Drink, Health, Parenting, UK News, Documentaries