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You Can Now Propose With An *Actual* Diamond-Encrusted Haribo Ring

You Can Now Propose With An *Actual* Diamond-Encrusted Haribo Ring

We've all used a jelly sweet ring to jokingly ask our friends to marry us when we were children, haven't we?

Gregory Robinson

Gregory Robinson

With Valentines Day fast approaching, there's sure to be a lot of couples preparing to take the next step towards marriage. And if you're in the market for a ring, we have a rather nostalgic option for you.

Bespoke engagement and wedding ring jewellery brand Taylor & Hart have launched a diamond encrusted Haribo-inspired ring that you can actually propose with - how sweet!

This diamond encrusted Haribo-inspired ring is really sweet (
Taylor & Hart)

We've all used a jelly sweet ring to jokingly ask our friends to marry us when we were children, haven't we? And now you can relieve some of that childhood fun with this 18-carat diamond encrusted ring.

To make this beauty the ultimate throwback, they're paying homage to the most luxurious of all gummies: the red and yellow Haribo ring.

Taylor & Hart says they were inundated with requests to make the ring. The ruby red band includes 224 diamonds and is topped with an 18-carat yellow gold basket of 40 diamonds and a 2.70c carat cabochon yellow sapphire to create the ultimate proposal ring for your childhood sweetheart.

With this design, Taylor & Hart were sure to capture the pure magic of falling head over heels for the first time. Because no matter how old you are, your special day should be filled with the same thrill you felt with your first crush.

We've all used a jelly sweet ring to jokingly ask our friends to marry us when we were children, haven't we? (
Taylor & Hart)

You could buy over 12,000 of the sweet Haribo treats for the cost of this ring, which could be yours for £25,000.

Kate Earlam-Charnley, Design Director at Taylor & Hart said: "We thought it was the perfect time to bring this brand new design to life. Combining custom cut rubies and a syrupy cabochon yellow sapphire, this ring is one of the most ambitious we've ever created and definitely one of the most original."

So why did Taylor & Hart choose to make this Haribo-inspired ring as its latest bespoke design? Since its release in 1995, Haribo Starmix has been a firm favourite of Brits, and in 2019 was named the top sweet treat in the UK. The friendship rings are often the first to go out of the packet and so this design was a perfect fit.

Haribo is one of UK's top choices for sweets (

Kate continued: "Made for the daydreamers, the hopeless romantics, those in search of something a little more pure and innocent, this ring is the perfect expression of love.

"It'll certainly make a great story while also saying 'love is forever'. We can't wait to hear 'Yes' stories from our customers across the world!"

This is will definitely be a top pick for those with a sweet tooth and expensive taste!

Featured Image Credit: Taylor & Hart

Topics: Weddings, Life News, Life, Food And Drink, Nostalgia, Tasty