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Woman explains why she takes bite out of husband's packed lunch every day

Woman explains why she takes bite out of husband's packed lunch every day

The surprising reason ended up going viral when she posted a photo of her husband's sandwich on Facebook

Many of us like to take lunch into work to save a few pennies, even if we'd really rather be in Pret treating ourselves to yet another baguette.

Mind you, if you bring in a packed lunch and pop it in the communal fridge in the office, you are of course at risk of having a Ross-from-Friends-style meltdown if anything happens to it.

Maybe someone can't be bothered to nip out to the shops so decides to go for your meal instead, or perhaps someone wrongly assumes it's been there for ages and throws it in the bin before you've had a chance to tuck in.


But there's one man's sandwich that others will probably stay well clear on, as he opens it up each day to find his wife's bite taken out of it - though keeping colleagues' greedy mitts off isn't actually the reason behind the bizarre ritual.

We all know Peter and Sarah would rather a Pret sandwich (Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images)
We all know Peter and Sarah would rather a Pret sandwich (Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images)

Whilst it might sound slightly mean spirited to steal a bite of your husband's lunch, Tracy Howell explained how the unusual custom has actually brought them closer together over their 40+ year relationship.

"Clifford and I have been married almost 41 years and I have made his lunch every working day since day one," she began.

Posting a picture of a sandwich in a ziplock bag on Facebook a few years back, Tracy explained why she takes a bite out of Clifford's sandwich once she's finished making it.

But she's not just trying to wind her spouse up - quite the contrary, in fact.

Explaining the gesture, Tracy wrote: "Clifford and I have been married almost 41 years and I have made his lunch every working day since day one.

"On occasion I would join him on the job site and have lunch with him. He made the comment once that lunch tasted better when you share it with someone you love.

"Soon after that, while fixing his sandwich one night, I took a bite out of it before putting it away."

Yep, it's her way of 'sharing lunch' with her husband when they're not together.

She continued: "When he got home (long before cell phones), he commented that someone took a bite out of his sandwich.

"I told him that since I couldn't join him for lunch, I took a bite so he knew I was joining him."

(Facebook/Tracy Howell)
(Facebook/Tracy Howell)

The couple have kept up the tradition ever since, which is nothing short of adorable.

Unsurprisingly, the romantic gesture soon went viral after winning the hearts of Facebook users.

When the post has since originally went viral on social media, it attracted over 24,000 likes and several thousand responses, though it's now been shared 186,000 times.

Many congratulated Tracy on her long and clearly happy marriage.

"That is so sweet! Happy Anniversary! Keep hugging each other tight!" one person said.

Another added: "Y'all are the sweetest and have such a great story from the very first date," before commenting a series of love heart emojis.

"This is so heart-warming," a third said.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Tracy Howell

Topics: Food and Drink, Sex and Relationships, Social Media, Jobs