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‘Stumped’ woman desperate for answers as she can’t work out what cookie cutter actually is

‘Stumped’ woman desperate for answers as she can’t work out what cookie cutter actually is

Can you guess what it's supposed to be?

Christmas is nearly here, and that means that we’ve all been scrambling to find our old mismatched themed baking stuff, or we’ve bought some news ones.

However, one woman who decided on the latter has come across a head scratcher as she cannot figure out what she’s supposed to have bought.

When you get a pack of cookie cutters, there’s normally either a description of what it’s supposed to be, or an image on the front of the package - and if it's seasonal, then it'll say so.

But no matter how hard she tries, she can't work out what it's supposed to be.

It's that time of year to crack out the Christmas cookies (Getty stock images)
It's that time of year to crack out the Christmas cookies (Getty stock images)

Is it a snowy row of houses? A strange shape that’s supposed to be coloured in to form a picture of some sort?

Who can say - but Reddit has decided to figure it out regardless.

Posting in the r/whatismycookiecutter subreddit, the baffled baker wrote: “This is driving me nuts. It’s from a Christmas set but I’m stumped.”

Before we get into what other people think it could, what do you think?

Well, whatever it is, it can't be as wacky as some of the responses in the comments.

Reddit suggestions were hilarious (Reddit/RbbyAick)
Reddit suggestions were hilarious (Reddit/RbbyAick)

Some decided to take the more visual approach and simply fill in what they thought it could be - which ranged from 'Barney the Xmas Crack Head' to what looks like an odd-shaped Homer Simpson.

Others were more in line with the Christmas theme, however, as another guessed: “Any chance it fits together with another from the set, like a puzzle piece?”

A third said: “Could make it a house/ cabin with snow on the roof and ground?”

Ultimately, the general consensus is that it’s supposed to be Christmas presents and possibly a stocking of some sort attached to the end.

One Reddit user said: “Presents and one weird Christmas stocking?”

To which someone else replied: “I’m convinced this is the correct answer," while another commented: “Yes I think it's a pile of Christmas presents too.”

If not that, then what else could it be?

A user theorised that it was simply bent and needed to be straightened out, writing: “Could it be bent? If you flip it over and straighten out the bottom I could be convinced it’s like this slice of pie?”

To be honest, that's not a bad shout.

Ultimately, someone summed it up as: “This sub is the most simultaneously interesting and frustrating place on this site. Which is to say.. I have no clue.”

Another possibility could be that it had a mishap when being made - which if you are curious about, a video has revealed how a small, family-run cookie cutter business makes their products, and it’s fascinating.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/RbbyAick/Getty Stock Images

Topics: Christmas, Reddit, Food and Drink