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HR worker 'learned the hard way' as she shares three things you should never do at work

HR worker 'learned the hard way' as she shares three things you should never do at work

The HR worker and TikToker has shared three things you should never do at work.

The workplace can be a very turbulent place for some of us - from taking care of personal responsibilities to office politics, it can be a very tiring place.

Yes, it can be a joyous place for some of us too, as you work collectively as team to meet your goals.

But after being in human resources (HR) for the best part of a decade, this one woman said she 'learned the hard way' the three things you should never do in the workplace.

TikTok user Valerie (@lavishvaal) has taken to the popular video platform to offer advice to employees with some of the things that you should never do at work. Watch it below:

The video has gone viral on TikTok with over 2.5 million views and close to 250,000 likes.

She captions the video with "some of which I wish I knew sooner," as she explains what you really shouldn't be doing at work.

The first thing that Valeria recommended was to not get too personal with your colleagues, especially if you see yourself working up the career ladder at the company.

She said: "Sharing too much does not do you any good at any point in your career.

"Especially when you know that you’re trying to move up, you’re trying to establish yourself as a reputable person within a company, do not overshare. It will only come back to haunt you."

The TikToker advised against being humble.
@lavishvaal/ TikTok

Next up on Valerie's not to do list is to not be humble - which you'd usually think is actually a bad idea.

So, the TikToker explains: "I used to think being humble was going to get me far, people would appreciate me and say, ‘oh, she’s nice,’ and no.

"So many successful women I work with are far from humble and will literally make sure that they enter a room and their presence is felt. Never catch me being humble again."

And the third and final bit of advice from Valerie is not spending too long at company social events, no matter how fun they may be.

You won't catch Valerie at work parties for too long, either.
@lavishvaal/ TikTok

She said: "You will not catch me at company functions like happy hour, holiday parties for longer than an hour-and-a-half.

"The truth is, people start drinking, stuff starts happening, and I do not want to be associated."

Many people have taken to the comment section of the TikTok to discuss Valerie's work advice.

One person said: "This might all be true but I cannot spend 8 hours everyday acting like a robot and showing none of my real personality."

A second added: "I’m in HR and I tell my non-HR friends this aaaaall the time."

And a third said: "Disagree, authentic leadership. Stay true to who you are."

Featured Image Credit: @lavishvaal/ TikTok

Topics: TikTok, Jobs