A TikTok influencer was left in tears after she got a tattoo which turned out not to say what she wanted.
Australian teen Tia Kabir posted a video of herself crying her eyes out after her 'dream' tattoo had gone wrong on a trip to Bali.
"I came to Bali to get a tattoo, right, I've been dreaming to get this tattoo because I just don't get tattoos all the time, I get one like every few months," she said in the tearful TikTok as she pointed towards the offending tattoo.

"It was supposed to say 'angel energy', now it just says 'energy angel'."
Her fans commiserated with her and suggested ways she could get it fixed, with one clever soul suggesting she expand the tattoo so it said 'angel energy' and then angel-something else.
Someone else said 'don't cry energy angel', while others wondered why she hadn't noticed her tattoo artist getting it wrong in the moment.
One of the main problems with getting a tattoo is that when it goes badly wrong it's etched onto your skin basically forever, unless of course you want to cough up the cash to get it lasered off.
Plenty of people have gone under the needle and been struck with near-instant regret the moment they looked at their ink and realised it was nothing like what they'd hoped for.
One woman was mortified to discover that a tattoo she had etched into her back of a girl embracing her 'guardian angel' looked more like she was chowing down on someone's rear end.
The problem is that once you see it you really can't unsee it and you know it's always there unless you want another round of treatment to have it lasered off.

Another woman came to regret getting a tattoo of an upside down pineapple after learning that she was now inked with a secret symbol that swingers use to identify each other in public.
Even the rich and famous aren't immune from a massive dose of tattoo regret as Britney Spears recently got a tattoo which she realised she'd need to get fixed as soon as possible 'because it sucks'.
Some people get intentionally bad tattoos, often as revenge for an awful piece of body art that's supposed to be depicting them on someone else's skin.
A woman got a really terrible tattoo of her husband in revenge for him having a rubbish tattoo of her done, though that cunning plan might have backfired because apparently he loved it.
Getting the worst of the worst lasered off is always an option but it can be a pretty painful and unpleasant experience to go through so it's always worth trying to save yourself some time by making sure your tattoo is what you want it to be.