The dating world can be a scary place. From cheaters being exposed on live radio shows, to cringey chat up-lines on dating apps - us women don’t have it easy.
And one woman was left outraged after her own dating story went horribly wrong.
The woman happened to be on the receiving end of some less-than-kind messages about her before meeting her date for the first time. Check out the video below:
Captioning her first-date fail 'chivalry is alive,' many onlookers took to Molly Hair’s comments section to share in her despair.
“You dodged a bullet,” one person commented, while another asked “Do men even like women at this point?
“He’s not sorry lol he’s embarrassed he got caught,” another person offered, while a fourth added: “where do men find the audacity?”
But it seems that the users who noted the man’s ‘reg flags’ were right, as her date mentioned taking ‘a pinch’ of something to give him the ‘confidence’ to take her on their date.

In case you weren’t able to deduce this peculiar saying, Urban Dictionary has sorted us out.
According to the word site, users suggest that the man could have been taking any substances from tobacco, marijuana or cocaine… On a first date. (*sigh*).
Honestly, girl - you’re better off staying single.
If you are firmly keeping your feet planted in the dating realm, you might want to check for early warning signals that the person you’ve been speaking to could be bad news.

In fact, one dating expert spoke to Tyla about the tell-tale signs you should be aware of when you’re undergoing your dating journey.
Some signs of which include a partner who lacks the ability to communicate, or doesn’t let you say what’s on your mind when you’re trying to communicate something.
Another red flag is a partner who refuses to discuss sexual health - something that sex and relationship coach Ness Cooper believes is fundamental to creating a good relationship.
The next red flag is somebody who showers you in gifts and affection - which sounds lovely on paper - but does it for the sole purpose of manipulating you. Not cool.
Another warning signal - being flaky and generally unreliable - is something else to be mindful of.
As for what you should do if you think you’re seeing somebody who does exhibit red flags, check out our dedicated article for eight dating red flags here.
Topics: Real Life, TikTok, Sex and Relationships