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Woman shares 'life-changing' hack for couples if partner always hogs the duvet

Woman shares 'life-changing' hack for couples if partner always hogs the duvet

"I don’t know why i never thought of it before"

A woman has shared a ridiculously simple hack for people whose partners always hog the duvet - but despite its simplicity, it's been dubbed 'life changing'.

Many of us will know the struggle when sharing a bed. You nod off to sleep ready to get your full eight hours in, only to wake up shivering at 4:00am while your partner's burrito'ed themselves with the covers.

But fret not, as TikToker Cecilia Blomdahl has shown us how to make sure you never get the sheets nicked again.

The content creator adopted the trick while living in Svalbard, an arctic island close to the North Pole. 

She currently lives in a cabin outside of Longyearbyen with her boyfriend Christoffer, and while she has adopted the style of living, she sticks to her Swedish origins when making the bed.

As you can see in the footage, Cecilia takes viewers through the step by step process, which is a little different to how it's often done in the UK and the US.

"I think the way we do our beds is pretty common in Europe but it's completely different to America," she says.

"So we have this sheet on the bed mattress, and the bed mattress is kind of like a thinner mattress that you have on top of two other mattresses."

Who wouldn't want to do laundry in this setting?

The TikToker and her partner then wash all of the bedding, although she says this load takes '60 litres of water' which is why she doesn't do the laundry too often.

Once everything's dry, it's time to put the sheets back on - and this is where the trick comes in.

Rather than sharing one big duvet, she and Christoffer have two smaller ones to themselves, which are folded side by side as they make the bed.

Told you it was simple. But in all honesty, how often do you see this in the UK? Hardly ever, and yet it would eradicate any midnight dramas over who's hogging all of the covers.

Taking to the comments section, one person wrote: "Honestly the first time I experienced 2 duvets was in Iceland and it was LIFECHANGING."

Two duvets just makes sense.

Another said: "You’re the reason my bf and I now sleep with separate covers. I don’t know why i never thought of it before!"

"Two duvets saves relationships," quipped a third, while a fourth wrote: "We recently got two duvets and it’s been the best choice for the longevity of our marriage."

A fifth chimed in: "I love the idea of having two duvets/blankets. It just makes sense!"

That it does - so if you're in a relationship and you hate having to share your covers, you know what to do.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@sejsejlija/Andrea De Martin/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Hacks, TikTok, Home, Life

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