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Viewers hail ‘gripping’ BBC crime drama you should watch after binging ‘scary’ thriller starring Vicky McClure

Viewers hail ‘gripping’ BBC crime drama you should watch after binging ‘scary’ thriller starring Vicky McClure

There's plenty of cracking telly to rattle through this bank holiday weekend, including this BBC drama

We all love a good drama to get lost in, but add a little crime in there too and you've got yourself a proper night in.

Now, if you've already raced through Insomnia, the extremely 'scary' new thriller starring Vicky McClure, then you're in luck as there's an equally 'gripping' BBC crime drama that'll be sure to raise your heart rate.

The six-part series is an on-screen adaptation of the internationally best-selling Inspector Rebus novels written by Ian Rankin.

Viewers are urging others to watch the 'gripping' crime drama after finishing Vicky McClure's Insomnia. (BBC)
Viewers are urging others to watch the 'gripping' crime drama after finishing Vicky McClure's Insomnia. (BBC)

Set in Edinburgh, the series reimagines the life of lead John Rebus (played by Richard Rankin) as a younger Detective Sergeant, who is ultimately led into a life of violence and criminality that hits close to home when his brother Michael (Brian Ferguson), an ex-soldier, ends up on the wrong side of the law.

The series, the first season of which hit our screens just last week (17 May), is none other than Rebus.

Check out the official trailer here:

It's clear fans of Rebus are already eager for their next fix after rattling through the whole thing in no time at all with many taking to social media to share their praise.

Well, a second season could potentially be on the cards as show writer, Rankin,

recently took to X to share a sweet thank you message to all his supporters.

"Thanks to everyone for your comments on the new Rebus series. Some of you have imbibed the whole thing already and are asking about season two - out of my hands but very much in those of @BBC," he revealed, unsurprisingly prompting an avalanche of hype among fans.

One X user penned: "I've been a fan of all Ian Rankin's works for decades, so was a tad worried about this new adaption. It's pure brilliant, binged watched and cannae wait for next season. #Rebus."

A second piped up: "Binged the series. Loved the books, this series is brilliant. Masterpiece."

Richard Rankin as John Rebus. (BBC)
Richard Rankin as John Rebus. (BBC)

"Binged it! So great. Richard is a perfect Rebus.... please BBC make another season," echoed a third while a fourth admitted: "Finished #Rebus on iPlayer in one day.

Another gushed: "Just finished watching the new #Rebus series. Absolutely fantastic. Let’s hope many more series will follow. Totally recommend this."

"Binged it all, really enjoyed it .Hopefully there’s a series 2 #rebus." echoed a sixth.

And a final TwXitter user revealed: "Oh no I just glutted on the new @BBCOne Rebus.

"Nothing left to watch series two. They will do another won’t they? It was gripping though I had my doubts to start as an old Rebus fan.

"Gripping, grimey, I had to look away and make the tea at a few points but the nose job was funny."

Rebus is currently available to stream on BBC iPlayer.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Plus/Netflix

Topics: TV And Film, BBC