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Psychic's 2023 predictions include celebrity heartbreak and turmoil for Royal Family

Psychic's 2023 predictions include celebrity heartbreak and turmoil for Royal Family

Could these come true?

A psychic who claims he previously predicted events such as Donald Trump's US election loss, the Black Lives Matter protests and the coronavirus pandemic has just shared his 2023 predictions.

Nicolas Aujula, 37, has given his estimates on everything from celebrity drama to politics and everything in between - and he suspects it's going to be a difficult year for the royal family.

The Hollywood astrologer, who has regular visions and dreams with images of the future, said that he thinks the family's popularity is about to take a serious dip.

Nicholas said he has had visions of a royal palace or presidential building on fire, which he suspects could be a symbol for the public wanting a change in power, The Daily Mail reports.

Nicolas predicts a difficult year for the royals.
Xinhua / Alamy Stock Photo

"I think the royal family's income and popularity will go down," he said.

"So they may sell their properties, or they may turn something into a hotel, or they will have to diversify.

"I also think that King Charles will be having health issues. Maybe it has to do with his heart or with circulation."

Worldwide, the psychic suspects that there will be an increase in mass flooding, malaria, and power outages.

And it doesn't really perk up from there. unfortunately.

Nicholas predicts that the cost of living crisis could stretch on for the next several years - a prediction I'm sure we all hope doesn't come true.

"I think the economic decline is going to be very long term and could be something that lasts six or seven years", he shared.

"I think the worst will come at the end of the decade, we'll go into recession, and things will get better, then we'll have another.

"I think there'll be a double recession globally. As a result, we'll see many job losses and companies closing down."


In other political news that I probably could have predicted myself, Nicholas believes that the Conservative Party are going to face yet another crisis in summer 2023 'between June and August'.

What's new?

And as far as celebrities go, Nicholas thinks that two of the world's biggest pop stars are going to have a tough year.

"2023 is going to be quite difficult for Madonna, she could have some form of sorrow... I feel like she's going to be having a tough year ahead of her", he said.

"I feel like Beyonce is going through a bit of a change and a transition in her life and she could question her relationship."

The psychic has predicted a tough 2023 for Madonna.

Plus, the astrologer thinks there'll be a brawl at some sort of film festival or award show in the new year, among a few male celebrities. So keep an eye out for that one!

And if you're feeling a little bit sceptical about any of his predictions, just know that Nicholas is right there with you.

"I can be sceptical.... I think it's good to do that. It's good to be rational. It's good to be logical at times as well.

"So, if there are sceptical people out there, then good for them. We need a blend of intuitive, political and ethical sides."

Will any of Nicholas's predictions come true? We'll just have to watch this space!

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@nicolasaujula / Simon Serdar / Alamy Stock Photo

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