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Viewers are calling new rom-com Rye Lane the 'best they've ever seen'

Viewers are calling new rom-com Rye Lane the 'best they've ever seen'

It's out in cinemas now and already has a loyal legion of fans

Viewers are saying new rom-com Rye Lane is the ‘best they’ve ever seen’, with many saying the feel-good movie has ‘single-handedly saved’ the genre.

Watch the trailer here:

Starring Vivian Oparah and David Jonsson, Rye Lane follows two twenty-somethings as they embark on a fun day out in South London after a chance encounter.

Both battling their own bad breakups, the pair spend the day getting to know one another while grabbing lunch and hitting karaoke bars – the result being something that’s nothing short of absolutely wholesome.

A synopsis from Searchlight Pictures says: “From breakout director Raine Allen-Miller, Rye Lane is a romantic comedy that stars Vivian Oparah (Class, The Rebel) and David Jonsson (Industry, Deep State), as Yas and Dom, two twenty-somethings both reeling from bad break-ups, who connect over the course of an eventful day in South London - helping each other deal with their nightmare exes, and potentially restoring their faith in romance.”

Vivian Oparah and David Jonsson as Yas and Dom.
Searchlight Pictures

After premiering at Sundance Film Festival at the beginning of the year, the film landed in cinemas a few weeks ago and has been winning audiences over ever since.

After going to see the film the other day, one tweeted: “Rye Lane is literally one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Wow.”

Someone else wrote: “I can confidently say Rye Lane is one of, if not, the, best films i’ve ever seen. British rom com at the highest standard.”

A third said: “Rye Lane is one of the best romcom movies I’ve ever seen thank GOD we're bringing good movies back I’m tired of 453426 superhero movies.”

A fourth added: “Rye Lane is the best rom com I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Some fans are so impressed with the fresh new flick that they think it’s brought new life to the genre.

The film is out in cinemas now.
Searchlight Pictures

“I’m afraid Rye Lane single-handedly saved the romcom genre,” one said, with another agreeing: “The rom-com renaissance is upon us. Rye Lane was beautiful, vibrant and genuine.”

And the critics seem to agree.

While light-hearted rom-coms aren't usually known for being a massive hit with movie pundits, the film has an incredibly respectable 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Noel Murray of the LA Times said the movie was a 'rom-com with heart', while Decider's John Serba wrote: "It’s about two people and the charming, clever-but-not-too-clever manner in which they communicate and share themselves with each other. It’s a firefly you catch in your hands and hold and admire for a brief moment in time before you let it go."

Meanwhile, British reviewer Mark Kermode said in his write-up for the Observer: "Will leave you with a smile on your face, a spring in your step and (hopefully) a renewed confidence in next-wave British film-making."

So, what are you waiting for?!

Watch Rye Lane in cinemas now.

Featured Image Credit: Searchlight Pictures

Topics: TV And Film