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A mum who appeared on Rich House Poor House has revealed everything viewers didn't get to see in her episode.

Ocean Chapman, 28, appeared on the long-running Channel 5 show along with her nine-year-old daughter Oziana on Sunday (28 May).

During Sunday's instalment, Ocean swapped her two-bedroom flat in Braintree, Essex, for Barrie Drewitt-Barlow’s huge holiday home in Chelmsford, Essex.

The six-bedroom mansion came with a private chef, a Rolls Royce with a chauffeur and an aquarium, which is worlds away from single-mum’s Ocean’s everyday life.

Rich House Poor House was a life-changing experience for Ocean.
Channel 5

Ocean, who currently works as a barmaid, was overwhelmed when Barry gifted her with an incredible £250,000 to help her follow her dreams of setting up a baby food business.

But Barrie’s generosity didn’t end there, he also helped her decorate her home, buy a new bed and offered to pay for Ocean and her friend to take a trip to Florida, which was a destination on her bucket list.

She says they were ‘completely and utterly spoiled’ while her ‘trip of a lifetime’ holiday to Florida.

He also gave her gifts and presents throughout the home-swap experience. “They didn't actually show this in the clip in the TV show but it was one of my biggest highlights,” Ocean teased during a chat with Fabulous.

“After I arrived at his mansion I was told that Barrie had booked me a series of driving lessons.”

“I immediately broke down in tears, it might not have meant much to someone else but it was life changing for me.

“I think my manager at the pub must have explained that I was having to walk my daughter to school and then walk to work and then back to school and home again and just what it would mean to me to be able to drive.”

Barrie (right) and his partner Scott (left) gave Ocean the biggest surprise ever.
Channel 5

The driving lessons were a huge relief for Ocean, who wasn’t able to afford them because of price hikes during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

“It’s something I just couldn’t budget for, since Covid they have gone from £20 an hour up to £45 which is almost my whole week’s budget.”

Barrie organised for Ocean and her friend to be whisked away to Gatwick by a personal driver. After landing in Orlando, they were taken to the apartment he had booked for them.

The holidaymakers were taken on shopping sprees at Disney Springs and Barrie bought her designer trainers, sunglasses and a pair of Crocs. He also gave her daughter a $100 bill ‘which brought tears to my eyes,’ she said.

“Barrie whisked us away on posh meals out and helped me take the first steps in my business plan, he wouldn’t even think of making me pay for a thing.”

The pair are still friends and ‘speak all the time’. Barrie is helping Ocean to develop her business plan.

“He’s so down to earth and so easy to talk to, you can just grab a drink and be yourself around him,” she said.

“He’s even coming to my bar this weekend for a good old knees-up for a party we’re hosting.”

Featured Image Credit: Channel 4

Topics: TV And Film, Channel 5, UK News