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You can actually book the Hocus Pocus cottage on Airbnb

You can actually book the Hocus Pocus cottage on Airbnb

It's guaranteed to put a spell on you

Hocus Pocus is nothing short of a Halloween classic, and with the sequel just around the corner, it will no doubt be a must-watch for many this October.

But if you're wanting to get an even bigger taste of the Sanderson sisters, you can now book a recreation of the cottage from the original movie on AirBnb.

The iconic cottage is up for rent this October.

Appropriately located in Salem, Massachusetts, the iconic cottage will be open to bookings on a first come, first served basis from 12 October, 1pm ET.

The cottage's description is written from the point of view of the three famous witches, and it sounds more than a little enticing for any film buff or Halloween fan.

"As though untouched by time, our creaky old cottage stands tall amidst the trees, beckoning visitors as if by trance," it reads. "Enter by window or water wheel, but watch your step - a cobweb or two and the smoke from our cauldron await you inside.

"Amidst the broomsticks and apothecary bottles, the Black Flame Candle flickers and our beloved Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy sleeps deeply - lest something (or someone) wakes it. It's a magnificently eerie scene certain to get guests in the Halloween 'spirit'."

The cottage's interior will take you back to the 90s classic.

But aside from perfectly echoing the classic Halloween flick, the cottage looks very much like a place to get a comfy night's sleep, with just the right amount of witchy vibes.

However, while the bedrooms look comfortable, AirBnb does stress that the cottage doesn't come with modern 'facilities', which are available in a 'modern outhouse' that's just 'steps away'.

The bedroom is both witchy and comfortable.

While you'd imagine that the cottage would cost a pretty penny to rent for the night, it's actually surprisingly affordable and will set you back less than a cheap hotel.

This is because guests are being charged just $31 a night in honour of Halloween itself. However, it is also worth noting that this price does not include taxes and fees.

We can't imagine a better place to stay the night in October.

If you're lucky enough to book the cottage for the night, you'll be treated to more than just the dwelling itself as guests will also get a tour of Salem's most haunted locations.

As reported by Elite Daily, this will likely include some of the filming locations from Hocus Pocus 2, which is being released tomorrow (30 September).

The new film will also be a part of the experience for guests, who will be treated to a screening of the long-awaited sequel too.

Will you enter the cottage by window or water wheel?

So if you've always wanted to go to the home of witchcraft in October, we really can't think of a better way place to stay than in none other than the Sanderson sisters' cottage.

Featured Image Credit: Disney+ Airbnb

Topics: TV And Film, Halloween