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Sunbeds are often a sore point for holidaymakers, with many tourists - in particular Brits - virtually waging war over the poolside spots.

Well, one resort worker has finally had enough and has even been spotted removing beach towels at a resort in Tenerife.

The unnamed security guard has become somewhat of a folk hero after he was spotted whipping away the offending fabric.

A clip of the unnamed man was uploaded to TikTok by user @renovatewithroberta, with it quickly over 177,000 views on the social media platform.

Wearing a luminous yellow jacket as his armour, the security guard takes on the toughest of tourists as he brutally removes the towels.

The Tenerife security guard wasn't impressed with the towels.

Even the earliest of risers are no match for this man, with the placeholders being whipped away without a second thought.

Many Brits have come under fire trying to reserve the best spots whilst on holiday, with some tourists waking at 5am in Majorca just to secure a space.

Clearly elated by the hotel worker taking matters into his own hand, the video's creator hilariously added the track 'Legends are made' to the video along with a cheering emoji and a caption that read: “Security taking towels off sun bed that aren’t being used.”

Others have also been impressed with the have-a-go hero and his quest to rid holidays of beach chair hoggers.

One admirer wrote: “All hotels / apartments should do this," as another agreed, stating that this wouldn’t be the norm in other situations.

They wrote: “Spot on, you wouldn't walk into a restaurant and leave your jackets on the chairs to reserve a seat.”

No reservation is safe with this security guard.

In fact, some users even struggled to understand the mindset behind the practice, with a third commenting: “Never got why ppl on holiday wanna get up first thing in the morning for a lounger, if they could only have breakfast at 6.30 am they’d freak out.”

Others spoke about they’d encountered the security guard at the Tenerife resort and been impressed by his approach to beach towels.

“I stayed at that same hotel a few weeks ago I remember the security guard,” a user gushed, with the security guard clearly making an impact on the holidaymaker.

However, the hotel worker hasn’t swayed everyone, with one user making a serious point about the need to reserve spots.

“I get it but what if u want to get something to eat so u have to leave but someone’s just gonna take it then if u have kids u can’t watch them in pool,” they argued.

It seems the clip has sparked some serious debate over getting some summer sun.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@renovatewithroberta

Topics: Travel, TikTok