Did you know that there are some fool-proof tips and tricks that can help you win your daily Wordle every time?
If you've not yet gotten hooked on the most addictive game on the internet, you might recognise its signature green, yellow, and black squares that pop up all over your Twitter feed.
Yes, those little squares appear on social media when players correctly solve Wordle's puzzle of the day and want to show off their achievements.
If you'd like to join the masses and show off your skills exceptional Wordle skills (with only a little bit of cheating), then read on!

All you really need to do is cancel out as many letters as possible, and it turns out there are some keywords that can help you do just that.
The ten most common letters in the English language are the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and consonants t, n, s, r, and h.
With that, we can create some words with these letters that can rule out a lot of options for us.
One key point though - for each Wordle guess, you must submit a real word. So don't even try typing out AEIOU.
Instead, try out some of these five-letter words and see where they get you.
- Resin
- Tears
- Earns
- Notes

After you try one of these words out, and hopefully cross out some key letters, the next step is to make a new word out of any remaining letters in your top ten.
For example, if you started out with Tears, try a word like Hound next.
Using this technique, you should soon be able to vastly narrow down your letter options, with three guesses left to solve the word of the day!
Although, it should be noted that sometimes these words are rather tricky, and if it's not a word you're familiar with, then we can't really help you.
Wordle players around the world were furious earlier this week when Monday's puzzle proved to be one of the most difficult to date.
Regular players had their tails between their legs when they failed to guess the word "Knoll", meaning a small hill or mound.
So another useful tip would be to study your dictionary and expand your five-letter word vocabulary!
Godspeed, Wordlers!
Featured Image Credit: Pexels/WordleTopics: Technology, Life