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Expert reveals how to avoid dry shampoo ruining your hair

Expert reveals how to avoid dry shampoo ruining your hair

A hair expert has revealed what can happen if dry shampoo is not used correctly.

A hair expert has revealed what can happen if dry shampoo is not used correctly.

Hairstylist and TikTok creator Tom Smith, shared a video on how best to use the hair product which is definitely not a replacement for regular shampoo.

In the video, he pointed out that despite the illusion, the dry product does not make your hair clean, it just appears to be.

With nearly 100k followers on the platform, people trust him to answer their burning hair-care questions, and this time, he pointed out something you might have never thought about…

The clip was made in response to a question that said: “I read dry shampoo makes your hair fall out?”

“It is a really clever product."

But before you panic, here’s what he had to say: “Can dry shampoo make your hair fall out? Let's talk about it.

“Dry shampoo probably by itself isn't gonna cause hair loss.

“But there are some things that you need to watch out for if you are using dry shampoo.

“It is a really clever product.

“It goes in with particles into your scalp to absorb the oil and dirt to make your hair look clean.

“Even if it doesn't necessarily feel clean and the way that's working is through those little particles that get stuck in your hair.

“Most people spray dry shampoo into the roots and leave it in there.”

He went on to explain that the real issue created by the product is the build-up, if it’s not washed in between uses.

Dry shampoo is likely to cling to your scalp, which doesn’t allow new hair to grow through.

“Just make sure that when you do wash your hair."

He added: “You need a healthy scalp to grow healthy hair and your scalp can get congested and that can block hair follicles from growing proper hair.

“The dry shampoo particles are small so if you're not shampooing your hair properly when you do wash your hair there's a chance that you could be getting a nasty build up on your skin which could be causing problems with your hair follicles.”

However, before the meltdowns start after years of covering up four-day hair, Tom wants to reassure people.

He said: “You can easily use dry shampoo without the fear of hair loss.

“Just make sure that when you do wash your hair you're really using your fingertips to exfoliate your scalp.

“I wouldn't typically recommend going any longer than one week between proper shampoos.”

Thank goodness that was cleared up!

Featured Image Credit: supersizer/triocean/Getty Images

Topics: Hair, Beauty, Hacks, TikTok

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