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People Divided Over Woman's Dating Rules

People Divided Over Woman's Dating Rules

Do you agree with her standards?

A woman on TikTok has sparked debate as she revealed the tests she sets on dates to see if the men are able to "provide and protect."

Posting to her account @respectfullygabby she said she gives her dates suggestions to see if they will pass these tests.

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The video, which has 21.1K likes, Gabby says that her first aim is it see if the men are willing to pay for the first date - and if not then she'll say goodbye.

"Let’s stop this conversation and the back and forth, 50/50 bullsh*t, first date; he needs to be paying 100 per cent," she said.

Gabby also wants her dates to prove that they care about her safety, recalling a date she went on in Miami, Florida.

Gabby's rule have divided the internet (

Both she and her date booked Ubers to take them home. The man's Uber arrived and instead of leaving, he offered to wait with her until hers arrived, but Gabby declined.

She said: "If you don’t care about my safety and making sure I get into my Uber safely, you’re done.

"This man failed my protection test, and he never heard from me again.

"Men, you need to be walking her to her car, to her Uber, to wherever to make sure she gets home safely."

Gabby's third, and final, test is telling her date that she is cold to see if he'll give her his coat.

"I wanna see if you will give me the shirt off your back, and if you don’t, you’re dead to me," she said.

The tests Gabby sets are to see if the man can provide and protect (

Users on the video app are clearly divided over Gabby's rules, the video currently has over 950 comments.

One comment reads: "he needs to pay for *every date!! i’ve never paid in my entire life 💕"

Others, have not been quite so supportive of Gabby's tests, one user said: "I'm confused. you told him to go ahead but are upset he went ahead?"

Another commented: "Men don’t need to provide and protect for every single woman that they meet. [You're] confusing a 1st date with a husband or serious boyfriend."

"Tell him you're cold and then refuse when he offers his jacket? He's gonna think you like to complain or you're crazy," wrote a third.

We're not sure how successful Gabby's rules are as she seems to be keeping her current relationship status close to her chest.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@respectfullygabby

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok