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Woman admits she gifted husband a threesome for his 40th birthday

Woman admits she gifted husband a threesome for his 40th birthday

She decided to ‘spontaneously say yes', saying there was a 'sweet moment' towards the end

A woman revealed she gifted her husband a very special present for his 40th birthday, having agreed to take part in a threesome.

Author Pamela Druckerman, 53, spoke about the experience in her novel There Are No Grown-Ups: A Midlife Coming-Of-Age Story, where she explored all aspects of turning 40.

“What are the modern forties, and what do we know once we reach them?,” a synopsis for the book asks.

“What makes someone a ‘grown-up’ anyway? And why didn’t anyone warn us that we’d get cellulite on our arms?”

Billed as ‘part frank memoir, part hilarious investigation of daily life’, the book – originally published in 2018 – speaks of the ‘in-between decade’ when ‘Everyone you meet looks a little bit familiar’, ‘You’re matter-of-fact about chin hair’, ‘You can no longer wear anything ironically’, ‘There’s at least one sport your doctor forbids you to play’, ‘You become impatient while scrolling down to your year of birth’, ‘Your parents have stopped trying to change you’, ‘You don’t want to be with the cool people anymore; you want to be with your people’, ‘You realize that everyone is winging it, some just do it more confidently’ and ‘You know that it’s ok if you don’t like jazz’.

Author Pamela Druckerman.

In an excerpt from the memoir, shared in the Daily Mail this week, Druckerman talked about her decision to have a threesome with her husband to celebrate his 40th.

She said: “The question that arises on my husband's birthday is always the same: 'What do you get for the man who has everything?' He isn't a shopper. He once declared he has enough trousers to last the rest of his life.

“So for his 40th, I decide to buy him a vintage watch. It would declare to the world that — despite his tattered sweaters — he's an employed adult.

“But when I mention the watch, he says that what he really wants isn't a good, but a service: a threesome with me and another woman.

“I'm not exactly shocked. He'd mentioned this fantasy before, as had practically every man I'd ever dated. I'd always brushed it off with an eye roll and an 'in your dreams'.

“The idea wasn't unappealing, but it seemed logistically and emotionally complicated.”

This time, she decided to ‘spontaneously say yes’, admitting she felt ‘daunted by the price tag on a Rolex’ anyway.

“We agree on it in principle, but the idea is so exotic that for a few weeks it just sits there,” Druckerman said.

They decided to ‘rule out advertising for a third party online, since that seems like an open call for an STD’, feeling the ideal candidate would be a ‘sexy acquaintance’ of theirs.

The book came out in 2018.

However, one ‘friend of a friend’ ended up turning down the idea, and Druckerman found herself turning to the internet, settling on a divorced mum in her late 40s known as ‘N’.

“A threesome is so, well, sexual,” Druckerman went on.

“I’d focused so much on the organization and the catering, I had almost forgotten that we were going to be naked.”

She said after about 40 minutes of ‘moaning’ she’d ‘had enough’.

“I wonder whether I might check my email,” Druckerman continued.

“N is quite beautiful, but seeing versions of my own lady parts on her feels too familiar. I realize that part of what appeals to me about men is that their bodies are different.”

She added that her husband continued to have sex with N for another 20 minutes, before eventually ‘tiring themselves out’.

“There’s a sweet moment at the end when the three of us lie together under the covers, with the birthday boy in the middle,” she added.

“He’s beaming. I’ll later get a series of heartfelt thank-you notes, saying it was as good as he’d hoped.”

Featured Image Credit: ABC/Moodboard Stock Photography/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Sex and Relationships

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