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Woman Confronts Her 'Cheating' Boyfriend In The Most Iconic Way

Woman Confronts Her 'Cheating' Boyfriend In The Most Iconic Way

We stan an intelligent queen.

If we found out our partner was cheating on us, there’d be tears, tantrums and lots of screaming.

However, that wasn’t the reaction from TikTok user @naytaleeuh, who had a subtle yet genius way of revealing her partner had been unfaithful.

Watch the video below.

Naturally, @naytaleeuh’s power move went down a treat, with one person asking in the comments section: “OMG what did he say!”

The wronged woman replied: “He was like ‘uh yeah’ and then I said ‘I’d suggest a middle name too but you probably know her better right?’ he j cried & fake puked in the bathroom. [sic]”

@naytaleeuh’s video has amassed five and a half million views, with many praising her for her super chilled way of exposing a cheating partner.

The TikTok user used a thoughtful way of exposing her bf (
TikTok - naytaleeuh)

“Power move,” wrote one admiring viewer, while another agreed: “Thats sick. I’m 10000 per cent saving that if needed in the future.”

“Omg saving this in the back of my mind,” said a third, and a fourth added: “So using this if I ever get cheated again.”

Others revealed that they had also tried a similar technique to see if it got their partner to admit their infidelity.

“Wow I also did this,” one person recalled. “He said ‘where did you learn that name’ and I said ‘I had a dream about it’ he got paranoid.”

We're definitely trying this trick for ourselves (TikTok: naytaleeuh)
We're definitely trying this trick for ourselves (TikTok: naytaleeuh)

“Nah bc my ex SUGGESTED her name as a baby name i was like … you’re a brave lil guy aren’t you,” another said.

“I did this and he said it was a pretty name,” said a third, traumatised victim.

In other relationship news, one woman has revealed she sues her Tinder date to renovate her home.

TikTok @peevadiva blew viewers' minds when she revealed that she had found someone on Tinder to come over and help her put up shelves.

Impressed by her initiative, viewers praised the TikToker for thinking outside of the (tool) box.

You can read more about that here.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@naytaleeuh

Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships