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Man shares 'genius' water bottle trick that can expose if your partner is cheating

Man shares 'genius' water bottle trick that can expose if your partner is cheating

Will you be trying this 'genius' trick?

A man has shared a water bottle trick that can expose if your partner has been cheating, which has been described as 'genius'.

When you think of ways to try and catch your cheating partner out, you may look at their phone or confront them directly if you are that convinced.

Typically, you wouldn't think a water bottle of all things could determine whether your partner is cheating on you or not.

But Daniel Hentshcel, from the US, has explained why a water bottle will help you catch your partner out, or quash your worries:

Daniel explained how you should start by buying a water bottle from a charity shop.

In the video that has been viewed 7.7 million times on TikTok, he explained: "Buy a used water bottle from Goodwill that could theoretically belong to anyone."

Daniel then advised you to place the water bottle somewhere in your partner's car and then pretend to stumble across it for the first time.

He then instructed the viewers to hand over the water bottle to their partner and say: "Here's your water bottle."

He continued: "Use this exact phrasing. This only works if they think you think it's theirs."

The TikToker explained how a water bottle can determine if your partner is cheating.
EyeEm / Alamy Stock Photo

Daniel then explained that if your partner has nothing to hide, then they will immediately say that it is not their bottle.

"They'll admit they don't know whose it is because you've made them feel like you trust them," the TikToker added.

But if your partner says that it is their water bottle, it is a different story unfortunately, according to Daniel.

He explained: "If they are cheating, they'll go along with you and pretend it's theirs."

It doesn't just have to be in the car though, as Daniel has revealed that the trick will also around the whole home.

Since the video was uploaded to TikTok a little over a day ago, thousands of people have flocked to the comment section to give their thoughts.

Have cheating doubts? Dig out that water bottle.
eldar nurkovic / Alamy Stock Photo

A lot of people thought the water bottle trick was quite frankly genius.

"BYE THIS IS GENIUS," one person said, while a second added: "wait this one’s actually smart."

And a third remarked: "I'm gonna try this 100 percent."

However, there were some viewers that was not too impressed by the trick.

"But my husband doesn’t pay attention to anything and would literally think it was his," one doubter said.

And a second added: "Warning: might not work if your partner has ADD and has no idea what water bottles they do and don’t own."

Featured Image Credit: Maxim Cristalov / Pixel-shot / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships