Christmas is right around the corner, which can only mean one thing: it’s cuffing season.
And while some will be planning their festive feasts and checking their wish lists twice, others are on the hunt for their perfect partner to see them through the winter season.
The magic of Christmas is a pretty perfect time to go on cute, festive dates at Winter Wonderland, or for a couple of drinks in a cosy igloo.
So if you’re going from swiping right to heading out on the dating scene this holiday season, you’ll want to know the exact signs that your Tinder date is just not that into you.

Adrianne Carter, a body language expert, has reminded daters to be wary of one body language personality in particular, which she dubbed ‘The Cryptic’.
Those that fall into this category can appear distracted and like their mind is somewhere else, even though they’re on a no-doubt fantastic date with you.
Carter said: “Their posture will be stiff, they’ll keep their distance physically and place barriers between themselves and their date, by keeping their chin high or leaning away.”
When those with a ‘cryptic’ personality enters the dating game, they may be likely to arrive late, or sit there scrolling on their phone rather than engaging in conversation with you.

Whilst talking to you, they might also rarely spark up any ideas in planning the actual date or lack initiative in shaping the conversation whilst you’re on the date together, too.
In short, they may be present in person, but they certainly aren’t in spirit, as they display behaviours which give off an uninterested or unavailable vibe.
While this ‘cryptic’ dater may not be that into you, they could be acting this way because they’re trying to ‘play it cool’ in a bid to impress you, or they could be really, really nervous.

But other dating styles, such as ‘The Real Deal’ - who has a genuine smile and is more open, with a relaxed posture - or ‘The Grafter’- who makes their interest clear by leaning in and intently gazing at their match - are much more promising types of dates, and they have the body language to match.
Meanwhile, ‘The Overthinker’ is someone who might come across as bit unsure of themselves and is more hesitant when it comes to dating. On a date, they tend to fidget, might have their arms folded and sometimes laugh nervously or start to blush. They will often avoid eye contact, be a bit awkward and bite their nails or lips - but this doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't into you.

Carter said: "There are several myths about body language that young singles can keep in mind for their first date this Christmas.
"One key myth to dispel is the suggestion that first impressions are always right. This is not necessarily the case - many first dates can be daunting and when given the opportunity to relax, people tend to show their true selves as you get to know them better.”
We’ve also laid out the early warning signals that somebody could be bad news and what to do if you’re ever presented with a partner who does exhibit red flags, like lacking communication skills, refusal to discuss sexual health, showing signs of love-bombing and more here.
You’re welcome.
Topics: Sex and Relationships