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Couple's big day 'ruined' after family refuses to attend child-free wedding

Couple's big day 'ruined' after family refuses to attend child-free wedding

Family issues are seriously taking effect on this couple's wedding

The dreaded pre-wedding jitters are perfectly normal when getting married and drama between family members is bound to happen... but what about when your 'fiancée 'hates' your family and 'ruins' everything?

Well, this is a reality for one man who took to Mumsnet anonymously and opened up on the backlash from family members for their fiancée's decision to have a 'child free' wedding.

As a result, their own mother said she will not be attending and her other family members think the wedding planners are 'stupid' and should 'rethink' the whole situation.

Although offering to pay for babysitters for the young children, the fam were simply having none of it.

However, in a bizarre change of events, the couple went on to decide to scrap the child-free wedding and to get married on their own.

"This led to us changing everything and are now getting married on our own abroad and having a UK party for family," the user explained.

"Now my wife to be feels my mum has ruined the best moment/time of her life, and she will never get this back, something she has always dreamed of and my family has ruined for her.

"She has so much anger towards my family and even though my family has said sorry and that they would make it work, it was already ruined for us.

"I have explained to my family all how I feel, how they have made us feel and what they have done and ruined.

"And told them to just not talk about the wedding coming up to us and just try move on as it’s really ruined the relationship."


They added: "Its gotten to a really low point and I have no idea what to do as I am now stuck in the middle, does my partner need to calm down and realise I could lose all my family over this and work together to sort it, or do my family need to back off and realise they have ruined everything and give us space for now."

Other users tried to issue some half-decent advice to the couple, with one person writing: "I think your family were always going to be upset if you both excluded half of them by not having children there.

"I don't have a solution but this doesn't sound like a happy marriage in the making.

"A lifetime of family issues is going to put a massive strain on your relationship."

While another added: "For the love of god. Dump her. The control she is showing is off the scale and not proportional to the argument.

"It seems that she is trying to isolate you from your family and this will only get worse."

It's safe to say that right there is a very tricky situation.

Featured Image Credit: Jacob Lund / Andriy Popov / Alamy

Topics: Sex and Relationships