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Couple who had holiday romance 31 years ago finally find each other again

Couple who had holiday romance 31 years ago finally find each other again

The couple are now happily married

A couple who met up 31 years after a holiday romance have rekindled their love and are now happily married. I don’t know about you, but I think we need this story made into a rom-com immediately!

Kate Pymm, from Guisborough, was on holiday in Devon with her mum and a pal back in 1989 when she met the bloke who would later become her husband.

Recalling the first time they met, when she was just 17, Kate told the BBC: "I remember me and my mum went for a bite to eat in this beautiful village. We walked into the bar and I saw this gorgeous guy."

That ‘gorgeous guy’ was a 23-year-old Guenther Baer from German, who was over in the UK on holiday. The pair struck up a conversation and immediately hit it off.

But this time around, fate was not on their side and they had just a day-and-a-half together before Kate returned home.

After their chance meeting, the pair swapped addresses and spent the next four years writing to each other, speaking on the phone and even going on the occasional visit.

Kate and Guenther reunited after more than 30 years.

But in 1991, Kate decided that the long-distance thing was too difficult and they went their separate ways.

As the years went by, both Kate and Guenther married other people - but their marriages would ultimately end in divorce.

However, the pair were brought back together after Kate stumbled across their old love letters during the UK lockdown in November 2020.

"It was a really emotional weekend and it brought back memories,” she said.

From then on, Kate spent weeks thinking about Guenther - not knowing that he’d also spent the last eight years pining for her. Anyone else starting to feel a bit emotional?

Award-winning make-up artist Kate decided she needed to make her move and reached out to her long-lost ex by sending him a letter.

Guenther told the BBC: "The day I received her letter, I was gobsmacked. The moment I got the letter I had to pick up my phone and call her, I was really surprised and delighted.”

The pair are now married, 31 years on since they first met.

Since that the day the couple spoke on the phone every day until January 2021 when they were finally reunited.

Opening up about the reunion, a smitten Kate said: "I just loved him, it was so odd, it was so organic and I wanted to tell him I loved him."

The pair tied the knot in December 2021 in Bavaria, and now Kate is set to move from her home in Teesside to be with Guenther in Germany permanently.

Kate added: "Part of you thinks you've waited 31 years but also there was a lot of adventures in that time, we both had our own lives, Guenther had three children, I had a great business.

"It's been difficult, but when it's right, it's right, and I know it's right."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@katepymmmua

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