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People Are Divided Over Groom's 'Humiliating' Wedding Stunt

People Are Divided Over Groom's 'Humiliating' Wedding Stunt

People have been left divided by footage of a bride and groom celebrating their wedding

People have been left divided by footage of a bride and groom celebrating their wedding.

In the nine-second clip, uploaded to YouTube on Friday (27 May), the newly-weds can be seen tucking into their towering wedding cake when the groom grabs a piece and smears it into his wife’s face, pushing her towards the floor. 

The video has left people divided, with one person insisting the footage was ‘humiliating’ while others felt the groom’s actions were ‘funny’.

One person commented beneath the video, in which wedding guests could be heard laughing in the background: “That’s not even funny. The bride was humiliated.” 

A second person wrote: “It looked like she started crying at the end ,” while a third echoed: “Not classy.”

“Disgusting, what a cowardly thing to do,” penned a fourth. A fifth wrote: “What a jerk! She spent so much time looking lovely for this day and she had to finish it out with grease smeared in her hair and makeup. Not to mention he pushed her to the floor!”

However, other viewers thought the bride looked ‘comfortable’ and was in on the joke.

“I guess they're comfortable playing like this with each other,” one social media user commented, with another adding: “The fact that she took this so well makes me believe that they will last as a couple.”

“I really hope these comments are being sarcastic… this was so wholesome and funny to me ,” wrote one YouTuber beneath the clip.

Grooms smearing wedding cake on their bride has become something of a trend in the US and last month a woman was left with a bleeding nose after her husband launched a chunk of cake into her face.

People were left divided by the footage.
Viralhog YouTube

In footage shared on TikTok, a man can be seen grabbing an entire tier of wedding cake and pushing it into his wife’s face, knocking her to the ground.

When she stood back up, a guest could be heard telling her: “You’re bleeding somewhere, it’s all down your dress,” according to The Sun

The bride then tells her husband: “Look what you did honey, I’m bleeding.” He can be heard ‘sheepishly’ responding: “I’m in trouble.”

Needless to say, TikTok users were appalled by the clip, with many saying so in the video’s comment section.

One person wrote: “I would have divorced him right then,” while another said: “Why any guy would feel the need to dominate and humiliate his brand new wife in front of friends and family is beyond me.”

Featured Image Credit: Viral Hog

Topics: Wedding