Sports pundit Paula Radcliffe has apologised for wishing a convicted child rapist 'the best of luck' at the Paris Olympics.
In an interview with radio station LBC earlier this week, former Olympic runner Radcliffe commented on whether Netherlands volleyball player Steven van de Velde should be allowed to participate in the Olympics, where she claimed 'it's a tough thing to punish him twice'.
Speaking on the radio show, she said: "I think it’s a tough thing to do to punish him twice and if he’s managed to successfully turn his life around after being sent to prison, and to qualify and to be playing sport at the highest level, then I actually wish him the best of luck."
She added that athletes who have cheated or taken performance enhancing drugs were allowed to come back and compete.
Steven van de Velde is a member of the Netherlands beach volleyball squad for Paris 2024. In 2016 he was sentenced to four years in prison after pleading guilty to raping a 12-year-old girl in Milton Keynes when he was 19.
The now 29-year-old athlete resumed his volleyball career after serving just 12 months of his sentence, and has now gone on to be selected to represent his country in the Paris games.
A clip of the radio show interview has been shared to Twitter, where Radcliffe's comments were pulled apart by other social media users.

Responding to the clip, she has now apologised.
She wrote: "I profoundly apologise and am deeply shocked and disappointed in myself and can’t understand how I managed to convey it so badly.
"I think in my head by 'dangerous line' I meant allowing him into the Games when it is against all the Olympic ideals but I didn’t say this out loud."
In another post she added: "I wrongly jumped to explaining why legally, as I understand it he can’t be excluded without first condemning the rape out loud, I think I assumed this went without saying I genuinely have no idea why I would ever wish luck when I didn’t mean it and sincerely apologise for hurt."
One person then asked: "Are you completely retracting what you said? You spoke from the heart and I agreed with what you said. I didn't think the drug comparison helped the other you were trying to make."
In response, the Olympian then added: "I am mortified that I expressed it so badly and didn’t condemn the rape out loud.
"I do believe in second chances after serving punishment but think the Olympics should be for those who uphold the ideals (that’s why I poorly brought the doping comparison in)."

Another social media user slammed Radcliffe as they wrote: "I’m shocked at your willingness to overlook a rape conviction, he’s not a great role model and to be fair neither are you."
Radcliffe responded directly as she wrote: "I myself am shocked and disappointed at how I expressed this so badly.
"I am very sorry and should have done much better. I by no means meant to overlook the crime and meant to say those who don’t uphold ideals should be excluded but can’t be."
Another person added: "Shouldn't have to see him in such a lauded position. But it is currently in the rules I guess. Do we change that?
"I see you were up early and worrying. Thanks for explaining, no rational person would ever think you 'evil' even if this was misjudged. It will blow over x".
Radcliffe responded: "Thank you. I genuinely don’t recognise myself and am devastated at how I expressed myself so badly and didn’t express what I thought I did in my head. Whatever happened it’s inexcusable."