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Mum slams 'careless' parents who failed to show up to daughter's birthday party

Mum slams 'careless' parents who failed to show up to daughter's birthday party

Breanna Strong was left heartbroken when not a single person showed up for her daughter Avery’s third birthday party

Breanna Strong was left heartbroken when not a single person showed up for her daughter Avery’s third birthday party.

Breanna documented the incident on TikTok, revealing that she invited 27 of Avery’s classmates to the bash, but no one showed, leaving her little girl eating pizza alone in the empty soft play area she’d rented out for the event.

Needless to say, Breanna’s video has garnered a hell of a lot of attention, racking up more than seven million views, and she’s now spoken about the incident in more detail, branding the parents of Avery’s classmates ‘careless’.

Breanna Strong was left heartbroken when not a single person showed up for her daughter Avery’s third birthday party.

According to MailOnline, Breanna took to Instagram shortly after her daughter’s disaster bash to vent about what had happened, as she knew other parents would see what she had to say.

Breanna wrote: “I received messages from those who were invited informing me, ‘It was an awful morning with the boys', or, ‘I’m so sorry. We forgot', or, ‘I wish we could have come! The kids aren’t feeling well’.”

She went on: “To me it was very careless of the parents who were invited. I sent texts, posted in the event on Facebook several times and even made a post on Instagram about how excited Avery was about her party tomorrow.

“It’s a lot of time, effort and money to set up special events for anything. RSVPs are not what they use to be.

“I also feel like parties have unfortunately died out during COVID. I’m still disappointed in what happen but I know there is always next year.”

Speaking to the paper, she also went into detail about what actually happened on the day, saying that ‘no one was there upon arrival’.

Breanna soon realised no one was coming, explaining: “15 more minutes passed and I knew they weren’t coming. I was completely devastated watching my daughter sit alone while eating her pizza. We didn’t even cut her cake. It broke my heart.”

She also noted: “I know my daughter didn’t know the difference. She still got everything she wanted.”

Breanna had no choice but to pay for the soft play area, as cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance.

But thankfully, Kidstopia only charged her $200 - the price of a small play area - despite her having booked the largest one.

Breanna said that the ordeal had ‘hurt her feelings’ but that she now knows who her ‘true friends’ are.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@breannamstrong

Topics: Parenting, TikTok