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Family pay tribute to daughter after she suddenly collapsed and died in her dad's arms

Family pay tribute to daughter after she suddenly collapsed and died in her dad's arms

A family has been left heartbroken after their 20-year-old daughter died suddenly in her father's arms

A heartbroken family has paid tribute to their 'beautiful' daughter after she collapsed and died suddenly in her dad's arms.

20-year-old Libbey Peverall was not known to have underlying health conditions when she suddenly passed away at her family home on 20 February.

Libby's family are now raising money to help with the costs of her funeral with a GoFundMe, which you can donate to here.

Kind-hearted people have donated a total of over £2,850 towards helping the family afford Libby's funeral which has been set up by her brother Charlie.

Charlie told MyLondon that just before his sister collapsed she'd had a cup of tea made by her dad and then said she felt a pain in her chest.

He explained that his dad gave her a bag to blow into as his sister had suffered from panic attacks in the past before she 'just stood up and then collapsed into my dad's arms'.

20-year-old Libbey Peverall died suddenly on 20 February.

Charlie said his father performed CPR on Libbey while waiting for an ambulance to arrive, with paramedics attempting to resuscitate her for an hour-and-a-half while his parents watched on.

He said: "She was a beautiful girl, she was absolutely stunning.

"Whatever she wanted my mum and dad would get for her. She wouldn't say a bad word about anyone and she was always worrying about my mum and dad."

"She was my only sibling and everyone says 'I know how you feel' but until it happens to someone, which I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, you don’t know how it feels. My mum is in bits, I’m trying to stay strong for her and it feels like I haven’t properly grieved yet."

"It just feels like she’s on holiday and she’s going to walk through the door soon. For the last two days it's starting to feel like reality a bit. I’m just trying to deny it in a way."

Libbey's family thanked London Ambulance Service for their efforts in trying to save her life.

Charlie's parents called him to tell him his sister was no longer breathing and as he raced to be by her side he got another call telling him his sister had died.

He said he 'screamed in the car, it hit me so hard' and paid tribute to Libbey as they 'did everything together.'

The Peverall family thanked the London Ambulance Service for their efforts to try and save Libbey, praising the paramedics as they 'really did try their hardest to bring her back' and found it 'unbelievable how supportive they were'.

Libbey, who had wanted to become a beautician, had 'everything going for her' and had recently passed her driving test, while her free time was devoted to her dog, Lottie.

Libbey had suffered from mental health issues after being severely bullied at school, leading her to be home schooled from the age of 14.

Her family suspect she died of a heart attack and are now awaiting the coroner’s report before they can begin to organise her funeral.

Featured Image Credit: My London/BPM MEDIA

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