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Woman gets revenge on neighbour after they refused to stop parking on her driveway

Woman gets revenge on neighbour after they refused to stop parking on her driveway

The neighbour wouldn't learn her lesson

A frustrated woman opted to seek some sweet revenge on her neighbour 'Lindsay' who kept leaving her car on her driveway.

Taking to Reddit to talk about her dilemma, the woman says she'd came home from work, only to notice her neighbour's car on the family drive.

She then claims that she asked Lindsay to move her car, to which the next-door neighbour fully obliged.

A frustrated woman opted to seek sweet revenge on her neighbour 'Lindsay' who kept leaving her car on her driveway..
Peter Titmuss / Alamy Stock Photo

However, on the following 'groundhog' day, the woman claimed that the same thing happened to her husband on his return from work.

He 'politely' asked Lindsay to move her car and told her she can’t do that anymore because it’s not her house - fair enough right?

Seemingly agreeing to those terms, Lindsay apologised and moved her car...only to park it on their drive the following day.

"I saw Lindsay’s car parked on my drive way again after I got home from my doctors appointment and my husband was working," the woman explained.

"I decided to ask her what’s going (on)?

Lindsay apologised and moved her car...only to park it on their drive the following day.
Anjuman Sharma / Alamy Stock Photo

"You keep on parking your car on our drive way after we’ve asked you nicely not to do that. Why do you keep doing it?"

And Lindsay replied: "I have a big camper parked on my driveway and it takes up a lot of space.

"There isn’t enough space to park my car."

However, that excuse simply wasn't cutting it and the wife seemingly had enough.

"Ok, you need to figure something out because you can’t park your car on our driveway anymore," she said.

"It’s rude, and you’ve already been told to stop. If you do it one more time, I’ll have your car towed. She apologised to me and promised it wouldn’t happen again."

But guess what, it did happened - again.

"Last night, my husband and I went out for dinner," writes the woman.

"When we got back home, we saw Lindsay’s car parked on our driveway.

"I told my husband that was it! Enough is enough!"

But guess what, it happened - again.
Peter Titmuss / Alamy Stock Photo

In agreement with her husband, the wife says she brutally went and towed her car 'because she’s been warned'.

"We’ve tried asking her nicely, and she doesn’t want to listen to us," she explained.

"My husband agreed, and I towed her car right away. I also stuck her with the bill because it’s her own fault. Now, she is calling me an a**hole and she’s p***ed at me.

In an edit of the post, she added: "She called be a drama queen and she wants to be repaid for the tow bill because it was my idea to tow her car instead of acting like an adult and asking her to move it.

"If "I don’t repay her, she will park her car in my driveway again because I’m being petty. Lmao! I’ll tow her car again! I dare her! [sic]"

And many commentators were on her side, saying that she had given her 'three warnings not to do it' but she did it again.

Featured Image Credit: Stephen Frost / Justin Kase zninez / Alamy Stock Photo

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