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Woman praised after making little girl cry by telling her to move from window seat

Woman praised after making little girl cry by telling her to move from window seat

People have flooded to social media in support of a Reddit user who asked a little girl to move from her pre-booked seat

People have flooded to social media in support of a Reddit user who asked a little girl to move from her pre-booked seat.

A grown-up making a little child cry? Why would people rush to her defence, I hear you ask?

Well, don't speak too soon, because when it comes to airplanes and long-haul flights, different sets of rules apply - especially if you've spent extra money pre-booking a specific seat.

A 22-year-old woman boarded a plane only to find a little girl sat in her window seat and it's fair to say, the child's father wasn't very happy when the woman asked him to move his daughter.

The woman took to Reddit thread 'Am I the A**hole?', writing: "I (22F) am traveling internationally today. It’s an eight-to-nine hour flight and I’m travelling alone. Leaving my family this time has been hard and I’ve been crying on and off the entire day. I had a window seat booked for my flight and I was looking forward to it.

"When I got there, a child was sitting in my seat and her dad in the middle seat. I looked at the dad and pointed at the window seat saying that I think it’s my seat expecting him to move. He looked at me and said she’s a child and pointed at the aisle seat suggesting I take it."

The 22-year-old moved to the aisle seat, but then messaged her family.

The 22-year-old initially complied with the dad's demand for his daughter to have the window seat.
Arkady Chubykin/ Alamy Stock Photo

The passenger's dad called her and convinced her to ask for her seat back 'because he paid for it and it wasn't a free seat'.

The woman continued: "I then told the girls father this and he asked her to move. She started crying and I felt terrible but my dad told me to hold my ground.

"The girl moved and is sitting in the middle, I’m in my seat and I’m also sitting back so she can see out the window. Her dad has made one or two snide remarks about me wanting my seat so I just wanted to know, AITA for insisting on sitting in my seat?"

The 22-year-old eventually asked the father to move his little girl from her seat.
Ekaterina Demidova / Alamy Stock Photo

Floods of Reddit users have taken to the post, agreeing the woman had full right to ask the young girl to move considering she'd not only paid for the seat, but received such a rude response from the little girl's father.

One said: "You bought a seat to be able to use it, and the father in this situation knew that the seat he put his child in wasn’t theirs to use.

"If the father wanted their child to have a window seat, they should have selected one. People choose their seats of preference for all sorts of different reasons, and they shouldn’t have to deal with someone just assuming that they can sit there."

"It's your seat. It's paid for. Never feel bad about this. You seem kind. No harm in sharing the view. But do you think for a second that kid's parent would let you sit there if the roles were reversed? Absolutely not," another added.

A final resolved: "Leaving aside it was your seat, putting the kid in the middle seems the most sensible to me. She is smaller which means less room and everyone is more comfortable. Also when she has to go to the toilet Dad can take her without disturbing you."

Featured Image Credit: Natee Meepian / Cavan Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Travel, Parenting