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A mother-of-the-bride left her daughter in stitches after she presented the thoughtful wedding gift she'd attempted to create in honour of the big day.

TikTok user Niki took to the platform to share her brilliant story after tying the knot with her husband in April.

Given that your wedding day is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, most people hire photographers to capture all of the best moments so they can look back on them for years to come.

Niki tied the knot with her husband in April.

Wanting to make sure her daughter would have a good way of remembering the day, Niki's mum came up with the thoughtful idea to compile the wedding photos into an album with the help of an online site.

She successfully uploaded dozens of photos to be used in the book, but Niki was left slightly confused when she opened the album and began to read the captions which accompanied the photos.

Showing the album to the camera, she showed one shot of the groom grinning with a friend as an example.

Alongside the photo, the caption read: "In Good Hands: She managed to hold on to that bubble for over a minute before it burst.”

The captions didn't quite match the photos.

Another page showed photos of Niki in her gown at the wedding venue, only the caption claimed it was actually 'a day at the park'.

"We had a picnic, then walked around the park collecting pretty leaves," the book said.

Obviously Niki didn't spend her wedding day 'collecting pretty leaves' - she had more important things to do.

Another snap showed Niki with one of her bridesmaids, only this time the caption insisted the photo captured 'a day at the beach'.

Niki was left laughing over the captions.

The captions only got funnier as the book went on, and Niki realised that her mum hadn't understood she needed to delete the placeholder captions which were put in place as she put the album together.

As the daughter of a woman who is a self-confessed 'technophobe', I can strongly relate to how Niki felt when she received this gift from her mum.

She'd obviously put a lot of time and effort into the creation, but that one little detail just got away from her.

In a caption on the video, Niki wrote: "Moral of the story: The place holder captions on [the website] Shutterfly do not delete themselves."

Though the book might not have turned out quite how the mum hoped, Niki assured the album was her 'favourite wedding gift ever'.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@niki_nibs

Topics: TikTok, Wedding, Technology