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The 83-year-old grandma who's just split from her 37-year-old toyboy has taken to social media to hit out at her ex.

Whoever thought they'd ever end up knowing all the ins and outs of one 83-year-old grandma's love life, eh?

All the way from what lube she uses to her social media posts targeting him even after he's been booted out of the house.

Well, Iris Jones may have first opened up about her relationship with 37-year-old Mohamed Ahmed Ibriham on ITV's This Morning back in 2020, but the British public have continued to be treated to all the updates and details of their romance. The pair met online, got married a year later and have now split up, leading to Iris having a new man in her life.

The 83-year-old and 37-year-old met online via a Facebook group.

Jones appeared on ITV's This Morning for the first time in 2020 declaring her plans to marry Mohamed and divulging all the details surrounding the duo's sex life - leaving former hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby flabbergasted.

The pensioner said: "Oh, the first night.... pretty rough. It was rough.Nobody had been near me for 35 years. I thought I was a virgin again

"Anyway, can I say what we used? A whole tube of KY Jelly! And the thing is, I couldn't walk the next day, I felt as if I'd been riding a horse. Saddle sore wasn't in it."

But sadly, a good relationship requires more than good sex, and it became 'hard work' for Iris, the pair reportedly arguing all the time.

Iris loved having sex with Mohamed.
ITV / This Morning

So, instead of a relationship, Iris got herself the next best - or arguably better - thing.

After booting Mohamed out, the 83-year-old went and bought herself a cat.

And while Mohamed has been listening to Gloria Gaynor's 'I Will Survive' to help mend his broken heart, Iris has been recording videos of her feline, Mr Tibbs, and posting them to Facebook, alongside some pretty brutal messages laughing at Mohamed's expense.

Alas, sex alone isn't enough to sustain a relationship.
Facebook/ Iris Jones

In a video uploaded to the platform yesterday (Wednesday, 2 August), Iris shared footage of Mr Tibbs picking up packets of cat food.

The caption reads: "My boy, Mr Tibbs is cleverer than any men I know!"

The irony - if you see it, you see it.

Iris Jones has a mew love of her life, her Bengal cat Mr Tibbs.
Facebook/ Iris Jones

And the dig at poor Mohamed doesn't stop there either, with some of the 83-year-old's friends taking to the comments to chime in too.

One wrote: "That's hilarious. Clever Mr Tibbs."

"Much cleverer than you know who!!" Iris responded.

Another friend added: "Who needs men? [laughing emoji]"

To which Iris replied: "Hear hear, Fran!! [multiple cat emojis]"

"It’s certainly making my life easier at the min," the friend wrote, sending the same post twice.

Iris resolved: "So true, you said it twice!"

As Miranda's mother would say, 'Such fun!'

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/ Iris Jones

Topics: Sex and Relationships, UK News, ITV, This Morning, TV And Film, Life, Real Life