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Woman Gave Birth To Surprise Baby After Doctors Said Labour Pains Were 'Trapped Wind'

Woman Gave Birth To Surprise Baby After Doctors Said Labour Pains Were 'Trapped Wind'

Charlotte thought she had IBS - and hour later, little Evelyn arrived.

Mary-Jane Wiltsher

Mary-Jane Wiltsher

A woman who had no clue she was pregnant got the shock of her life when what she thought was pain caused by trapped wind turned into the arrival of a surprise baby girl.

Charlotte Wheeler-Smith, who is based in the Netherlands, shared her experience with Good Morning Britain viewers in an interview with Ben Shephard and Charlotte Hawkins.

The presenters were stunned by Charlotte's story, which started with her experiencing stomach pain, believed by her GP to be wind caused by IBS.

But only an hour later, Charlotte gave birth to her baby daughter Evelyn in her hallway, and she is still reeling from suddenly becoming a mum.

Charlotte thought her labour pains were period cramps or trapped wind (

Seen alongside her new baby girl and a doctor, new mum Charlotte told Good Morning Britain: "I was feeling uncomfortable on Sunday morning, on Father's Day and I actually thought it was period pains.

"So, I took some paracetamol, but then my boyfriend was a bit worried, so he called the GP.

"The GP came and examined me and said that I had some trapped wind and some IBS, and then an hour later Evelyn arrived."

Charlotte went on to explain that at the crucial moment when she realised what was actually happening, her boyfriend was in fact out for a jog.

She said: "I allowed my boyfriend to go out for a run because I thought, just get him out of the house while dealing with this discomfort."

"I'm walking up and down these very Dutch, very steep stairs, and I just thought, 'maybe I do need to go to the bathroom because I've got this trapped wind', and then, an umbilical cord came out.

"So that's kind of when I realised that something was happening."

An hour later, little Evelyn was born (

The birth itself was a difficult one. Charlotte described to viewers how she had experienced breathing difficulties while pushing.

Eventually, her boyfriend had to use CPR techniques on her that he had learned during health and safety tuition in secondary school to help her.

Thankfully Charlotte was blue-lighted to A&E and despite the early complications both mum and baby are healthy and doing well.

Congratulations to Charlotte and all the family!

Featured Image Credit: ITV

Topics: Pregnancy, Mum, Life, Birth, Real Life