A woman has shared a video of her husband unable to speak on their wedding day after his drink was spiked in order to warn others to protect their drinks.
You can watch the clip below:
The upsetting footage shows Billy struggling to get his words out and taking deep breaths as she tries to comfort him, fearing he might 'pass out'.
Brandy, from Kentucky, US, explained that she shared his emotional story of 'having his drink spiked with crushed Adderall' to raise 'awareness to the fatal consequences'.
Thankfully, Billy was checked out by a nurse and he recovered - but the incident hindered their big day.
As explained by the bride, she was concerned he would faint and fall down the mountain.
"His heart was racing, his brain was moving faster than he could form words, he tried saying his vows to me but was unable to think," she wrote.
"His emotions [were] heightened."

Brandy added that people at the wedding intentionally combined alcohol and Adderall 'in order to party harder and longer', and they spiked other guests' drinks thinking they would be up all night with them.
They realised this was the case after having Billy drug tested, and following an investigation by the Parkside Resort in Tennessee, the culprit was found and 'dealt with'.
NightCap also got in touch with the couple after catching wind of their traumatic experience and sent them a couple of their scrunchie drink covers, which act as a hairband that can also be used to cover cups and glasses to prevent pills and powders from being dropped into a drink.
She signed off the video by saying 'f**k you' to the perpetrator for 'causing such trauma to my family'.
Adderall is a stimulant medication, and is used to manage the symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children.
According to WebMD, while there's not a lot of research on how the medication interacts with alcohol, it has the potential to cause problems.

Some of the issues include harming an individual's judgement, causing nausea, vomiting, and dehydration, and hurting reaction time, coordination and vision.
A number of people shared their own experiences of mixing the two substances, with one writing: "I did this in college (my own prescription) & it was the worse. I thought I was gonna die - I’m so mad this happened to y’all on your wedding."
NightCap commented on the post by thanking Brandy for 'spreading awareness', while Parkside Resort said: "So glad we could assist!!! And so happy Billy is okay. We love you both!!!!"