Whether it's a matching outfit colour palette, timed schedules or even who to bring as your date - it's fairly common as a bride to expect certain things from your bridesmaids on your special day.
But one bride, however, took her bridal demands to a whole new level after ordering one of her bridesmaids to lob off a whopping 30 inches of hair because 'nobody can have longer hair than her'.
When she refused, the bride started throwing a 'temper tantrum'. Yikes.
One bemused bridesmaid has taken to Reddit to share her pain at her sister and bride-to-be's huge request.
She captioned the post: "Sister is losing her mind over my hair being too long for her wedding."

"So my sister's getting married soon, like a couple months," she explained, "I’m happy for her, the guy she’s marrying is a cool enough person and they work well together."
All sounds normal so far.
The bride then 'started listing her requirements', some of which the sister felt were totally 'understandable' like 'wearing longer sleeves to cover up my tattoos'.
"I’m fine with that," she admitted.
However, one request seemed to be the farthest thing from understandable and a pretty drastic order if you ask me.

"One of them was really weird and felt kind of pointed at me," the bridesmaid revealed, "everyone in the wedding party must have shorter hair than the bride by at least six inches."
The bridesmaid emphasised just how 'super important' her hair is to her - hence why the bride's demands seemed so ludicrous.
Her 'knee-length' hair is around two feet longer than the bride's, so if she snipped it as requested she'd lose a whopping 30 inches.
"It’s a significant part of my identity and I really love it, it’s knee length and I take super good care of it," she continued.
While the rest of the wedding party had shorter hair than the bride, another who had longer locks promptly obeyed and 'agreed to cut her hair' while the bride's sister 'did not'.
She recalled: "My sister freaked out when I said I wasn’t gonna cut my hair."
In a hopes to come to some kind of compromise, she even 'offered to wear it up' but the bride was having absolutely none of it and said that it would 'distract people from her and that she wanted all her bridesmaids to wear their hair down'.

It got so intense that the bridesmaid ended up offering to 'just be at the wedding instead of in the wedding party' at which point the bride threw a massive 'temper tantrum'.
The bride then enlisted the help of her soon-to-be hubby to follow-up on the request.
"Later on I get a call from her fiancé who just says, 'Hey, I know you don’t want to cut your hair, I’m sorry about that. Could you just do it for your sister? It’ll grow back,'" the woman continued.
She replied to him, saying: "I’m not cutting like half my hair off for one day just to spend years growing it all back out."
While disappointed that he wasn't able to squash the barnet beef, the groom eventually 'understood and apologised'.
The bridesmaid concluded the confession admitting: "I’m annoyed by the whole thing and I really don’t want to deal with her s***, if she’s gonna freak out about this, I worry what else she’s gonna freak out about."
I guess only time will tell - although the bride has now backed down and allowed her sister to attend to the wedding with unshorn hair.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Wedding, Life, Real Life, Hair