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Bride Left Mortified As Friend Plays Old Voicemail About Groom During Speech

Bride Left Mortified As Friend Plays Old Voicemail About Groom During Speech

Ahh this is hilarious.

A bride was left red-faced at her wedding after her friend - who was giving a speech - played an old voicemail from the couple's first date.

You can watch the moment below:

Sabrina Flores, 23, from North Carolina, admitted she tried to play 'cool' when she first met now husband Brendon de Spain, 24, on Bumble two years ago.

But her pal John Martin revealed the truth in an old voicemail.

In the hilarious clip, John says: "I'm going to let Sabrina speak for a bit... from the past.

"I will admit that this has been edited for brevity... But I think we should let her take it away."

The friend then went on to play the hilarious voice note from after the bride and groom's first date - and the bride looked mortified.

Once the clip was played, John added: "I could not have said it better myself... let this be a lesson to you all, don't send me audio messages."

Sabrina was mortified (
Kennedy News and Media/Valiko Proskurnin)

Speaking about the speech, Sabrina says: "My maid of honour, John, has been my best friend since college.

"We always used to jest that I was nervous for his speech, even back in 2017, because he's such a mischievous lad. He's British himself and embodies the philosophy of jest and just having a good laugh.

"I knew it wasn't going to be good, but I'd forgotten about it. When he said 'we're going to invite Sabrina up to say some special words... from the past', I was terrified.

"Of course, in true best friend fashion, he embarrassed the living daylight out of me, in front of my friends and family, [where I was] dropping the F-bombs all over the place and calling my husband incredibly sexy in front of his grandparents.

"I was hoping it wasn't too incriminating because I went into a lot of detail [back then]. I was sweating."

Sabrina says she tried to play it cool at the start of their relationship (
Kennedy News and Media)

"When I met my now husband, I was very much not looking for a relationship and very emotionally unavailable after ending a bad relationship," Sabrina adds.

"My husband lived two hours away from me at the time and we'd matched because he was driving through the area. My app radius was very small because in my mid-twenties I did not have a licence.

"When I saw that he was so far away, I thought 'how is that going to happen?'

"We had been speaking for a couple of days with no intentions to meet up at all. He called me out of the blue one day, I didn't even have his number saved or anything and he just said 'I have a feeling you're really special.

"'I feel like dating apps normally fizzle out really quickly, but I found out I have a really long weekend. Can I drive up to meet you today?'

"It was about 10pm so I thought that was a bit dodgy, him getting there at midnight. I said I'd consult with my friends and get back to him. My friends said 'this is how people end up on cold case files - you don't know this person at all'.

"So I thought suggesting breakfast would be more appropriate and he said he'd pick me up the next morning."

John's speech was hilarious (
Valiko Proskurnin/Kennedy News and Media)

The pair then spent a romantic weekend together, picnicking in the park and talking for hours.

"That's actually where he proposed only six months later, right in that same spot. I introduced him to a lot of my friends and he was up potentially every weekend after that until we moved in together," says Sabrina.

"We knew instantaneously that it was something very special."

Throughout the evening, Sabrina says the DJ was giving 'sneaky' clues about an extra guest - but she had no idea it would be herself.

"John gave very sneaky clues throughout the evening. The MC who was leading different parts of the wedding came up to me and said 'okay, we have two speeches left. One of them is a special guest'," she continues.

Sabrina shared the clip on TikTok (
Valiko Proskurnin/Kennedy News and Media)

Sabrina's video has since been viewed more than 1.1million times, received more than 126,700 likes and 588 comments from followers on TikTok who she hopes are inspired.

"To see folks finding hope, and hopefully getting ideas for their own best friend's weddings, was wonderful to see," says Sabrina.

"On TikTok, there's not been one negative comment. As John said, it's one of those rare things on the internet that's just very innocent and sweet.

"A lot of people lose hope with romanticism and spontaneity. Often times, especially now with how complex the world is and how connected people are to psychologically and healing trauma, dating can be very rigid.

"People don't necessarily think these little stories can happen. It was nice to see this restoring hope."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media/Valiko Proskurnin

Topics: Wedding, Life, Real Life, Sex and Relationships