If you missed the Perseid meteor shower this morning, you might not realise that it’s majorly impacting your life right now.
OK, so a lot of people don’t believe in astrology, I get it.
But it’s on to something with this one.
The Perseid meteor shower is over now, and although the once-a-year event has passed, its good vibes to three zodiac signs remains.
The shower happens every summer and showcases a cloud of shooting stars across the sky.
Generally happening in the middle of August (12-14 August), it’s bang on time this year.
However, it represents a lot more than some rocks hurdling through space.

According to Inbaal Honigman, from Spin Genie, the ice and gas comet is made up of particles from ‘the comet Swift-Tuttle’.
It could represent ‘frozen emotions’ or ‘stories from the past which we struggle to deal with, repressed memories and hidden personality traits’.
Inbaal explained: “To the ancients, comets foretold of bad luck and were to be feared, or represented huge, unexpected changes, similarly to an eclipse. Their unpredictable nature and how rare they were, added to the fear surrounding them.
“A meteor shower is linked, but different in astrology. The meteors which break off from the comet, can represent the thawing of emotions, or the rising memories around those repressed feelings.
"The Perseid comet shower can be a harbinger of hope. Unlike comets, the Perseid meteor shower is regular and predictable, and therefore more comforting in nature.”
But for three signs, it’s even more significant.
So, who’s affected?

Did any of my fellow Leos wake up feeling different?
According to Inbaal, anything that happens in the sky impacts Leo first.
She said that because Leo is a fire sign who loves to shine in the spotlight, this shower has given us a ‘little extra razzle-dazzle’.
She explained that it’s likely to push ‘them more towards centre stage, which they love’.
As well as becoming more popular, the meteor shower will unfreeze opportunities, allowing them to catch up with lost ‘contacts and pitch their ideas.’

The sign which is ruled by Mercury is now the ‘first in line for cancelled flights and lost postal deliveries’.
According to the expert, this shower can ‘sweeten things up’ because ‘secrets uncovered by the retrograde will be made more enticing’.
As Mercury, which is a planet of communication and Venus, a planet of love are in Virgo, is the time to socialise and pick up that renewed love story from the past.

This sign is also ruled by Mercury, and is affected all this month by the shower.
As Mars is a passionate planet and Jupiter, the lucky planet are now in Gemini, ‘allow this sign to turn lemons into lemonade and make Mercury work in their favour’.
The Perseid meteor shower will let Gemini's emotions and future plans become all the more focused this month.
Which is pretty good, because are Geminis are generally more free-spirited and need to hunker down and ‘get ready for their bright and sunny days ahead’.
Topics: Astrology, Life, Sex and Relationships, Space, News